iProfiler archive files have the wrong time


This document applies to Axia iProfiler software and covers all versions.


Occasionally the file names on the archive recordings will be wrong by one hour.  Usually, this happens in the spring and fall as daylight savings time starts and stops.

The Windows operating system determines the filename of the archive recordings.  Several things can affect this.

Filenames are not able to be modified and follow the naming format YYYY.MM.DD-HH.MM.SS-(D or S).

YYYY - Four digit year

MM - Two digit month

DD - Two digit day

HH - Two digit hour (24 hour format)

MM - Two digit minute

SS - Two digit second

The D or the S at the end of the file name indicates the Daylight Savings Time state.

D - Indicates the computer is reporting DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time.

S - Indicates the computer is saying STANDARD time.

This image shows a filename recorded in "standard" time. (S at the end of the filename)

This image shows a filename recorded in "daylight savings" time (D at the end of the filename)

Scenarios causing file naming issues

Time is incorrect on the server computer

Make sure that the time and regional settings are correct on the server.  The time, timezone, and DST settings must be right for file names to be applied correctly.

Time settings were changed AFTER iProfiler Server was started

iProfiler server only reads time settings from the operating system when the server first starts. If you make changes, you must restart the iProfiler server.

Windows updates not applied

In cases where regional settings change, a Windows update is often required.  

For example, In the US, the Energy Policy act of 2005 extended DST into November.  A Windows update was required in order for Windows computers of the time to be aware of the change.  

iProfiler servers not updated by 2008 would have the wrong times in the file names thinking the time had changed in late October.

Ensure all Windows updates are performed to make sure your OS is aware of time zone changes in your region.

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about how we can improve this document, please contact us.