It is imperative that you keep track of your license numbers. Not just for IP-Driver but for ALL products that have a key required for activation. Telos has no way to look up, or recover lost license numbers. You would be required to purchase a replacement if you can not locate it.
Recovering a lost license number from the Windows registry
If you have access to the computer which has previously had the IP-Driver installed, you can get the License Number from the Windows registry.
Go to the RUN menu for Windows and type "regedit" and click OK.

The Windows Registry Editor will open in a new window.
From the registry editor navigate to the following location;
Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
Then the SOFTWARE folder.
Expand the Wow6432Node folder.
Note, it's possible that you will not have a folder called Wow6432Node. A 32-bit version of Windows will NOT have this folder. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows you will need to expand this folder. Otherwise, skip step 3.
Expand the Telos Systems folder.
Expand the axiawow folder.
Finally the v2.x folder.
Your IP-Driver License Number will be listed there as "LicenseNumber". The information in LicenseKey2 is NOT needed and you will NOT be able to use it to re-install the driver.

You can contact us with this License Number and we can often recover the key you need to install it. This is not guaranteed. If it can not be located you would need to purchase a replacement.
One suggestion is to print out and affix any license keys to the PC using a "packing slip" style envelope or other press on vinyl envelope. This way any keys are always kept with the PC.