Omnia.9 version 3.30.79 Software Install and Release Notes


This software update applies to ALL variants of the Omnia.9 running earlier software versions and applies to both original and updated hardware platforms (MKII). Note that some options (including support for Livewire, Kantar & Nielsen watermarking) are available only on the MKII platform. If you are interested in updating your Omnia.9 to the MKII platform please contact support or your dealer and ask about the Omnia.9 MKII Hardware Upgrade (PN# 2011-00197-000).

A major optional feature addition is the inclusion of Nielsen PPM watermarking. Click the link for details and setup information

Update Procedure

Omnia.9 software updates may be performed using a USB flash drive or (preferably) the NfRemote software client. This procedure assumes you have already installed NFRemote and have access to your Omnia.9. Please refer to the Omnia.9 manual for instructions on how to set up NfRemote.

Backup your current settings

Before proceeding with any update we urge you to make a backup of your current configuration. To do so, use the NfRemote software.
  1. Select System.
  2. Chose: System Configuration.
  3. Chose: Backup.
  4. Then choose Backup (Download) Configuration and save this file to a location on your computer.

Download the Update File

To download version 3.30.79, fill out registration information and follow prompts from here. Once you see the download prompt, save the .pak file to a location on the computer you will use to perform the update.

The update .PAK file must be used as downloaded. Do not use any software to unpack or unzip the file.



If you have an Omnia.9 that was shipped in the last year and your installed version is already 3.30.96, you should not downgrade to 3.30.79. This is a case where the manufacturing image is newer than the field upgrade software accessible from this page. The later 3.30.96 version supports hardware changes in our latest board versions, but has no added feature utility for older machines than the current 3.30.79 field upgrade.In some cases, a full power cycle may be required following software installation in order to re-establish remote access.  For this reason, we recommend that you do NOT attempt this update remotely. Perform this update only while you are physically in front of the unit.If you have not already updated to version 3.18.99 or 3.20.04 from an older version, please note that v3.18.99 contained a major re-write to the entire streaming section.  If you are updating from a version earlier than 3.18.99, old streaming settings are not cross compatible to the newer software so your streaming settings will not carry over into the new version. Before you proceed, be sure to write down or take screen shots of critical streaming settings such as server names, paths and IP addresses so you can re-configure your unit. If you are updating from 3.18.99 (or later) to this latest release, your streaming settings will not be an issue. The v3.20.04 release changed the licensing scheme for the built-in µMPX encoder. If you had µMPX activated in v3.18.99 or any prior beta versions, it will be de-activated after this update (reverting to demo mode) and require a new license key. Please contact Customer Support at +1 216 622-0047 or email us at Be ready to provide the unit’s serial number and MAC address as shown in the System / System Configuration / Upgrades screen and we will verify your license and issue a new one. V3.30.79 contains significant changes and improvements to Omnia.9's SNMP system. Before installing, we suggest writing down or taking screen shots of your SNMP settings. After installation, we recommend testing your SNMP settings and reconfigure as necessary.

Update Options

There are two ways to update the software in your unit. One is using the NfRemote software and the other is using a USB flash drive containing the update file, plugged into the front panel USB port.

During this update your Omnia.9 could be offline for several minutes. Be sure to have a backup processor ready, or perform the update at a time when the station can be off air.

Updating by USB flash Drive

Copy the update file to the root of a USB flash drive. Make sure there are no other versions of update files present in the root directory.

  1. Plug the USB flash drive into the front or rear USB port on your Omnia.9.
  2. Using the front panel GUI:
    1. Navigate to the System menu.
    2. Select: System Configuration.
    3. Select: Software Update.
    4. Select "Update from USB".
  3. Follow the remaining instructions on the screen.

Updating using the NfRemote Software

  1. Connect to your Omnia.9 with NfRemote (note the warning above about updating remotely).
  2. Select: System.
  3. Choose: System Configuration.
  4. Chose: Software Update.
  5. Then click the "Upload Software" button. Browse to and select the software update .PAK file you just downloaded. The file will be uploaded to the Omnia 9 and when complete, it will say "Upload Successful". Below that, it will say "3.30.79 updater ready".
  6. When ready, click the "Update Software to 3.30.79" button at the bottom of the screen. Confirm that you wish to proceed with the update by clicking "Yes" in the confirmation dialog box that appears:

As the internal software restarts, the NfRemote connection will be lost at this point. Once the update is complete, the display will reflect the new software version number 3.30.79. You can double-check your current version in System / System Status / System Information.

Updating the FPGA Firmware

After the Omnia.9 reboots, it’s time to check whether you need to update the FPGA firmware.

  1. Navigate to System.
  2. System Configuration.
  3. Software Update.

If your unit is already running FPGA version 0x90000018 you may skip to step 6. If you are on 0x90000017 or earlier, proceed with the update.

If there is any chance of a power outage (due to unreliable local power), this is the time to connect your Omnia.9 to a UPS before continuing .  The FPGA update takes ten minutes, and MUST NOT BE INTERRUPTED! A power failure or reboot in the middle of an FPGA update is unrecoverable and will require a trip to a Service Center to be repaired.
  1. After you have ensured that the unit will not suffer a power outage, click on “Update FPGA to 0x90000018.
  2. When the FPGA update is complete, disconnect the power cables, wait 30 seconds and then reconnect them.
  3. Some units may need an Atmel update as well, depending on what software version is running. If the "Update Atmel to 1.5" button is enabled (not grayed out) then you will want to perform this update as well. This also requires a hard power cycle afterwards, separately from the FPGA update. It does not matter whether FPGA or Atmel is updated first.  Risks due to power interruption are similar to the FPGA, so take great care your unit is not rebooted during this update.
Hyper-threading is recommended or required for certain configurations (2xHD and up) as of version 3.18.99.  To enable hyper-threading, connect a USB keyboard to the rear-panel USB port and press F2 after power-on to enter the BIOS setup. Set "Intel Hyper-threading Technology" to Enabled. Press F10 and Y to save settings. NOTE: Hyperthreading does not apply to the current MkII+ hardware version. The Hardware Version can be checked in System / System Status / System Information.

Updating the DICE Driver

The DICE chip is the audio I/O chip on the CN9000 I/O board. We recommend updating this driver on MkII or MkII+ units. Full instructions can be found here.

CONGRATULATIONS! The update procedure is now completed. You may now return the Omnia.9 to normal service

Change log & Errata

Entries below detail changes made in INTERIM updates, and are rolled into the main 3.30.79 final release. Note that release 3.20.31 was issued as a factory release for new machines, but was not issued as a field release as other software changes were pending.


A "Livewire Clock Missing" indication may appear in System / System Configuration / LW after certain AoIP network adjustments have been made. Even you if have corrected your clocking conditions, this message may not reset. If you have valid Livewire audio, you may be able to make this message go away by toggling "Clock Mode:" to "PTP" clock, then back again to "Livewire" in System / I/O Options / Livewire Outputs / Clock.



New DICE firmware version is incompatible with MkI units, now only made available on MkII units.


MkI SNMP issue fixed

Livewire output failure when receiving livestream fixed

New DICE firmware version installable from main user interface


uMPX 4.0 implemented

RDS External Input phase issue fixed

IEEE-1588 PTP clock synchronization improved

Rewritten Livewire engine

SNMP reworked & improved. New SNMP MIB, now auto-generated


Streaming metadata works again (broken in 3.20.33)


Nielsen production license added

Hyperthreading warning disabled for MK II+ hardware (not necessary)


Dice Firmware version displayed under Hardware Info


Support for MK II+ hardware


AM TX out can now be selected for Digital Out


Nielsen CBET new eval license


Nielsen CBET stepAside function bug fixed


RDS encoder UTF-8 translation implemented


Nielsen CBET ratings encoder option implemented


RDS encoder letters É, È translation bug fixed


RDS encoder letter á translation bug fixed

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.