Removing or changing the VLAN tag in Telos VX

VX software version 1.3.0 or above is required to change VLAN tag.

All passwords are unique to each unit and based on the Sytem ID on the status page.  Contact Telos if you require the passwword for your unit.

If you do not already have it installed, download, install, and open WinSCP.

Enter the correct parameters for the new session.

  1. File protocol: SCP

  2. Host name: the IP address of your VX; in the example below

  3. Port number: 22

  4. User name: root

  5. Password: (unique)

  6. Click Login, and say Yes to any prompts about trusting an unknown host.

You are now logged in to the VX filesystem (right pane), and you can also see your computer's file system (left pane).

You might be tempted to use this root level access for other things. DO NOT attempt to change the root password. Also, if you make changes using this method that are outside of those suggested here, and you break your system, YOU WILL BE CHARGED TO REPAIR IT.

  1. On the right pane, double-click the "Go up" icon to navigate to the root of the file system:

  2. On the right pane, navigate to etc > local > telos_vx by double-clicking each folder.

  3. Open the file qos.cfg, or create it if it doesn't exist.

  4. Replace any existing text in that file with the following:

config.qos = {
livewire: {
eth_prio : 0
standard: {
eth_prio : 0
aes67: {
eth_prio : 0
  1. Save this qos.cfg file and reboot the VX (via the web UI Status page).

This removes the VLAN 0 tag from the streams being produced by the VX,

This option is not yet exposed in the web UI as it is needed in less than 1% of installations.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions along the way.