This document covers the update process for both the Hx6 and the iQ6 Six-line Talk Show systems.
2001-00248-000: Telos iQ6 Six-Line Telco Gateway for Axia
2001-00342-000: Six-Line POTS Talkshow System + Livewire and Analog I/O
2001-00342-000: Six-Line POTS Talkshow System + Livewire and AES I/O
Why is one a Telco Gateway and the other a Talk Show system?
The iQ6 is called a Telco Gateway because it has no native Analog or AES audio I/O. Therefore, it works in conjunction with an existing Livewire network. The Hx6 has Analog or AES I/O and require no additional equipment. Both units are functionally equivalent.
The steps to update your Hx6 or iQ6 are the same; however, there are different update files for each one. Please download the file appropriate for your system.
Click here to download Version 7.0.0r for the iQ6
Click here to download Version 7.0.0r for the Hx6
Installing the update
Release Notes
Please note that the Nx6/12, the Hx6, and the iQ6 all share very similar code. Therefore, the release notes here cover all of those products. Differences are noted by markings like (Hx6 only).
Version 7.0.0r March 2019
Allow user to set DTMF tone duration and pause between digits
Double default DTMF amplitude. In the unlikely event this causes issues, it can be changed on the “Telco” page.
Add GPIO status output for each hybrid
Correctly handle newline characters from VSet/XScreen
Version 6.1.5b December 2018
Allow user to set DTMF tone duration and pause between digits
Add GPIO status output for each hybrid
Correctly handle newline characters from VSet/XScreen
Version 6.1.0r January 2018
All caller ID information is sent over Livewire Control Protocol
Version 6.0.0r August 2017
Added an option on the setup wizard web page to limit display of dialed digits on the VSet and other call management interfaces
Add option to wait for # or 5 seconds before considering dialing sequence complete
Phone numbers dialed en bloc are considered complete
Fixed a crash if a phone number longer than 30 characters was dialed
Version 5.0.0r April 2017
Fix for VSet Call Controller and VSet6 or 12 in two-column operator mode
Fix for GPIO ring indication getting stuck active when line sharing is used
Fix for HTML GPIO indicators not working in some browsers
Fix for a few missing line state icons on the status web page
Version 4.0.0r July 2016
Greatly reduced a glare window that could result in a new call’s CLID information being lost
Corrected an invalid conference on VSet handset
Restored producer access to lines in Ready Hold queue
Digits are displayed on VSet and Desktop Director as they are dialed
Removed junk entries from V Set call history
Outgoing call history is remembered for the duration of the current session
Version 3.0.0r June 2015
Fix crash when auto-answer to hold is enabled
(developer support) Fix LWCP parser crash on commands that have no object specified
Version 2.0.0r March 2015
Fix for callers being placed on wrong hybrid when controlled from PowerStation v1.2.5 or later
Version 1.9.0r November 2014
Hybrid adapt burst only plays once when putting a call on hybrid
Default CPC setting is 250ms
Added configurable delay to Tel webpage to prevent first digit of DTMF from being lost in case line is slow to present dial tone
Fix for outgoing calls becoming stuck in “Pending Seize” for ETS-300 (Nx12 only) and Q.931 (Nx12, iQ6, Hx6) ISDN modes.
Fix for issue preventing Assistant Producer session associated with a Producer-mode Desktop Director from dialing
Fix for not being able to set “auto answer” and “lock to hybrid” from the webpage of an Hx6 or iQ6
Fixed ‘500 server error’ that could occur when requesting a reboot from the Tel webpage
Changing IP address from system web page no longer returns an error
Replace GPIO web page Java applet with javascript for faster load times and better compatibility
Fix for Ringing GPIO output becoming stuck on when ring indication before CID was enabled
Fix for Ringing GPIO output becoming stuck when POTS line sharing is enabled
Fix for status displays that would temporarily display a line state as unknown or invalid
Match visual and functional style across configuration web pages
Hx6 and iQ6 only
Added a screen saver
Calling party name will be shown on VSets when available
“EQ High” setting defaults to +6dB
Correct display of “Log outgoing dials for redialing” on show setup webpage
Added capabilities flag to let LWCP-based controllers know that hook flash is available on this platform
Implemented hookflash on POTS lines.
Requires Vset software version VSet-1.1.1-11625-rc2 or later
Version 1.8.0r August 2013
Nx12 only
In two-studio operation, lines removed from hold now properly show as unavailable in the other studio
Hx6 and iQ6 only
Improved hybrid performance
Decreased hybrid training time
Increased VSet handset volume
Improved VSet echo canceller
Increased to-caller volume
Increased Program on Hold volume
Eliminate crackle on studio outputs when studio inputs clip
Improved studio-side echo canceller performance
Improved send-to-caller frequency response
Version 1.7.1r (Nx and Hx6 only) January 2013
Fix for AES 2-channel mode in the Nx12, Nx6, and Hx6
Version 1.7.0r December 2012
First release of the Hx6 Telephone Hybrid
Add option to turn off Adapt Burst from web page
Added Vx's "fix line to hybrid" feature
Redesigned sample rate converter to reduce aliasing noise
Expanded frequency response of sample rate converter to improve THD measurements towards top of supported frequency range
Make compatible with Broadcast Bionics’ Xscreen call screening software
Product names added to LWRP advertisements (affects especially iQ6, Hx6)
Added support for LWCP’s $trxi property
Livewire Disable rewritten:
All old Livewire multicast subscriptions released
All new Livewire multicast subscriptions forbidden
Livewire GPIO disabled
Is remembered across reboots
Preserves Livewire settings that were in use
State is reflected on frontpanel (menu reworded)
When Livewire is disabled, Livewire source webpage replaced with enable page
Warning on Wizard webpage when Livewire is disabled, but audio settings require it
Prevent subscription to high-speed Livewire clocks if Livewire clock priority is 0 (always slave)
Correct source IP address for Livewire streams that have not been reconfigured since boot
Ensure that Livewire streams are never sent with a multicast source address of
Ensure that Livewire stream multicast sources are updated when network settings change
Never subscribe to Livewire channel 0 or To:0
Calling after seizing a line on hybrid from VX protocol remembers hybrid assignment
Fix for some calls not dropping on reorder tone and with CPTD drop enabled
Added an option to webpage to change timing of end-of-ring detection
Changed the default timing of end-of-ring detection for Australia, Great Britain, India
Telnet login text shows correct product names
Fix link to syslog on html index page
Standardized capitalization on webpages
Nx12: Prevent a producer-mode director from sending DTMF when dialing with no line currently active
Nx12: Associate a line with a control surface for dialing in many more instances.
Fixed a resource management issue that could cause whole-system instability
Fix a crash when telnet log 2 (HDpeb3086) is enabled
Nx: Fix for a Desktop Director lockup
Version 1.6.0r September 2011
Added support for AP’s EnblocDial command when using POTS lines
Webpage meters calibrated
Livewire Routing Protocol meter data is scaled correctly
Corrected a problem with Busy All being used on two studios when some lines are not shared
Nx12 and Nx6 now support the Livewire Control Protocol used by newer Axia products
Software update is no longer aborted if browser refreshed System page very quickly after sending the update package
Reordered webpage header to match homepage
“Ring mute ignore” is resent after disconnecting and reconnecting a desktop director while ring mute is asserted
Optimizations to Assistant Producer messaging
Added the ability to assign names to lines
Added option to ignore ring mute commands on a per-Desktop Director basis
Added diagnostics to web interface
Desktop Director stability fix
Send dial key messages to any AP client attached to a director when the line is dialed
Corrected meter levels in +9dBu and -9dBfs PML modes
Only send extended-director status messages when in 4-column show mode
Fixed a crash on the Livewire webpage
Reduce system messages generated when new control interfaces connect
Prioritize HDLC message transmission for DD stability with high load
Fix for a resource management issue associated with restarting Assistant Producer
Correct the ISDN clock source logic for lines that have not yet had an audio channel
Allow studio to seize and enbloc dial lines that are below ‘idle’ state on ETS-300 ISDN
Allow a clear of ‘busy all’ to clear all busied-out lines, regardless of line type
Resolve line state differences with two studios using shared lines (locally or 2-Nx12 POTS line sharing) when each studio uses Busy All at the same time
Reword GPIO input selection on setup wizard webpage
Added option to exclude priority lines from Next queue (see webpage)
Fixed crash when assigning line to hybrid before ISDN B-channel audio is available
Version 1.5.0r October 2010
Added support for Axia iProbe management
Note that backing up settings currently only backs up Livewire-related settings
Fixed a problem that prevented POTS line sharing from working
Change to CPTD to improve detection of call progress tones with to-caller audio present
Improved compatibility of ISDN message sent to callers of busied-out lines
Corrected a condition that could cause a line to not be busied out when Busy All active
Blocked/Unavailable caller ID was mistakenly redisplaying last call’s valid caller ID
Settings backup/restore page works properly with Internet Explorer
Settings backup/restore page enhancements
iQ6: studio’s line handling state shown on status webpage (in addition to physical state)
iQ6: resolved boot-time intermittency of some processing functions
iQ6: Added PLL lock status to frontpanel
Version 1.4.0r June 2010
Corrected missing ‘to caller’ audio when the first caller of a large conference drops
Incoming calls rejected due to Busy All now return the proper cause code on ISDN
Busy All line status is now reflected on frontpanel and webpage
Settings backup and restore added to webpage
Status webpage updates without refreshing
The Setup Wizard page loads much more quickly
Axia Element control surface correctly displays state of shared POTS lines
Corrected behavior when two Nx systems are sharing a POTS line and both systems are also using Auto Answer to Hold
Speakerphone mode now toggles off when switching a Desktop Director between Talent and Producer mode
System crash logs are now sent to the syslog server, if configured
Version 1.3.0r March 2010
Fix for studio-to-caller audio for second studio in Single and Single (Mono out) mix modes
Added option to disallow moving locked lines between hybrids to Tel webpage
Filled out help pages on web interface
Fix stack overflow in LWCP message parser
Resolved an echo canceller malfunction
Adjusted contrast scale for new LCDs
Front panel will show line status screen even if no line cards are installed
Fix for CID differences in some regions of Canada
Version 1.2.1r January 2010
Please note – this list of changes is not comprehensive
Regional ISDN fixes
Optional caller ID start indication on Telco web page
Fixed DTAS caller ID interpretation
Numerous web interface fixes and changes
More intuitive Livewire configuration
Livewire GPIO support
Audio level monitoring
Line allocation and priority status now available on Setup Wizard web page
GPIO input source on Setup Wizard web page
Fixed display of POH input sources on status web page
Fixed missing ‘to studio’ audio on second show with Single Mono mixing
Changing show mode no longer requires reboot
Changing show lines or priority status no longer requires reboot
Corrected operation of “Clock on BRI loss” option
Added redial and phone book to Desktop Director UI
Fixed hookflash function
Added POTS line sharing between two Nx12s
Enabled syslog support for error logging
Added auto-answer option
Fixed GPO ‘ring in’ indication
Console controller talent/producer settings now save correctly
Added mute and acoustic adapt commands to Assistant Producer protocol
Fixes for Assistant Producer ‘garbage characters’ and ‘duplicate messages’