This HelpDoc goes over the process of performing a software update to Pathfinder Server, when you have dual servers running. Also known as a clustered Pathfinder Server system
In most cases, upgrading a clustered system can be done without creating disruption. We can upgrade one server at a time, letting the system failover. This guide is best suited for those that have existing Pathfinder 5.X and want to update to the last 5.X version released
If your system is not clustered - just follow steps 1-6 to complete an upgrade for a standalone system
On both servers make a backup copy of the Program Files directory for Pathfinder Server
On both servers, go into Pathfinder Server, File Menu and select Licensing. Note down the Request Code and License Key for both servers
Note the current running version of Pathfinder Server before attempting the upgrade. You can find this by going to Help, About Pathfinder PC in the Pathfinder Server application. The Version number is located at the top of the splash logo that appears
Step by Step
Green Colored Steps are involving the Main Pathfinder Server
Red Colored Steps are involving the Secondary Pathfinder Server
Stop Pathfinder Server program on your Main Pathfinder Server
Uninstall Pathfinder Server (Add/Remove Programs) on your Main Pathfinder Server
Install the updated version of Pathfinder Server on your Main Pathfinder Server
Go to Pathfinder Server Program Files directory. Make sure Pathfinderserver.exe properties has “Run as Administrator” option checked under compatibility tab
Stop Pathfinder Server program on your Secondary Pathfinder Server
Start Pathfinder Server program on your Main Pathfinder Server
** At this point you have the updated server now running on your Main, the Secondary is shutdown. Check updated server and observe that it is running correct**
Uninstall Pathfinder Server (Add/Remove Programs) on your Secondary Pathfinder Server
Install the updated version of Pathfinder Server on your Secondary Pathfinder Server
Go to Pathfinder Server Program Files directory. Make sure Pathfinderserver.exe properties has “Run as Administrator” option checked under compatibility tab
Start Pathfinder Server Program on your Secondary Pathfinder Server
Done. Pathfinder servers will now attempt to sync between each other
**Check clustering tabs on both systems, you may need to stop Pathfinder Server Main and start again if clustering state does not come up correctly the first time.**