UPMAX ISC uses the latest Linear Acoustic® upmixing algorithm for upmixing 2-channel audio to 5.1, and for upmixing 2-channel, 3-channel, 5.1-channel, and 7.1-channel audio to immersive formats including 5.1.4, and 7.1.2. If the channel count and format of the incoming content match the desired output format, UPMAX ISC will pass it through as-is.
The UPMAX menu is separated into Basic and Advanced 51s. The Basic menu is displayed by default. The Advanced menu can be expanded with a dropdown menu as needed.
Channel Formats
As explained in more detail in the Basic UPMAX Menu 51, UPMAX ISC can create a multi-channel output in 5.1, 7.1, 5.1+4, and 7.1+2 formats.
This format includes Front Left, Front Right, Center, LFE, Left Rear Surround, and Right Rear Surround channels. The Left and Right Surround speakers are located behind and to the sides of the listener.

Figure 1 - 5.1 speaker placement
This format builds on 5.1 by including two additional surround channels which are referred to as "side" or "mid" surrounds. These additional speakers are placed at the listener's side halfway back in the room.
Channels include Front Left, Front Right, Center, LFE, Left Mid Surround, Right Mid Surround, Left Rear Surround, and Right Rear Surround.
Note that Dolby® officially designates the side surround channels as simply "Left Surround" and "Right Surround" and the rear surround channels as "Left Rear Surround" and "Right Rear Surround."

Figure 2 - 7.1 speaker placement
This format builds on 7.1 by including two additional overhead channels which are interchangeably referred to as "top," "height," or "overhead." These additional speakers are placed above the listener halfway back in the room.
Channels include Front Left, Front Right, Center, LFE, Left Mid Surround, Right Mid Surround, Left Rear Surround, Right Rear Surround, Left Top, and Right Top.

Figure 3 - 7.1+2 speaker placement
This format builds on 5.1 by including four additional overhead channels which are interchangeably referred to as "top," "height," or "overhead" (as in 7.1+2) but with the further designation of "front" and "rear." These additional speakers are placed above and both in front of and behind the listener.
Channels include Front Left, Front Right, Center, LFE, Left Rear Surround, Right Rear Surround, Left Front Top, Right Front Top, Left Rear Top, and Right Rear Top.

Figure 4 - 5.1+4 speaker placement
When We Say This, We Mean That
There is a fair bit of latitude (a polite way of saying "inconsistency") when referring to channels or groups of channels among manufacturers and technology companies. Supply chain issues have interfered with our plans to include a secret decoder ring in the box, so we'll clarify some terms as they are used in our menus here instead.
"Front" refers to the front speakers minus the Center channel, i.e., the Left Front and Right Front speakers only
"Center" refers to the center-channel speaker.
"Surround" collectively refers to anything other than the Front, Center, and LFE channels. Depending on the output format, this includes all rear, side, and height speakers.
"Side" refers to Mid Surround speakers in 7.1- and 7.1+2-channel formats.
"Rear" refers to the Rear Surround speakers in the context of 7.1- and 7.1+2-channel formats.
"Lateral" refers to any and all speakers except for overhead ("height") speakers, including Front, Center, LFE, and all Surround speakers.
"Height" refers only to the overhead ("height") speakers.