Use Quasar hot keys to control 25/Seven PDM


This document applies to the Quasar consoles and any 25/Seven Program Delay Manager (PDM) models


The Quasar MTS module provides a “Hotkeys” page that can be used to send simple TCP commands to various devices.

The 25/Seven PDM can be controlled by when it received properly formatted TCP commands.

With this in mind, it is possible to utilize the Quasar hotkeys to command the PDM to Exit, Build or Dump its delay buffer

Step by Step

Ensure that the control port is enabled in the PDM.

  1. Go into the web gui of the PDM, go to the Configuration page, and check the box next to “Control Via net port 5443”

Example from PDMx web gui

Configure Quasar hotkeys to communicate with the PDM

  1. Log in to the Quasar MTS web gui and go to the hot keys page.

  2. Set the Control Mode to TCP Client

  3. Set the TCP Connection Host to point to the IP address and control port 5443 of the PDM

  4. Set the commands per each hotkey

Using the example below, by sending trigger commands you can get it to dump, build and exit the delay

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