Dashboard allows configuration for GPIO’s (where fitted) that are attached to the Panels, Telos Alliance xNodes, and other Telos Livewire+™/AES67 devices that are available on the network. GPIO’s are automatically routed over the network in response to a trigger.
Trigger sources include external GPI inputs presented on the D-Type connectors of the Panels and Telos Alliance xNodes, and software triggers configured in Dashboard. These can respond to pushing a contact key or an event such as the speaker being muted.
Trigger destinations include external GPO outputs available on the D-Type connectors of the Panels and Telos Alliance xNodes. Software triggers configured in Dashboard are also available.
Dashboard provides a list of GPI inputs and GPO outputs it has found on the Livewire+™ AES67 network in the right upper window.
There are many options available when configuring GPIOs, pushing a contact key on the Directors Panel could be used to mute the loudspeaker on the Producers Panel, if required. Or pressing the Panel volume key to mute the loudspeaker can also create a software GPO.
In addition, software GPIOs are available on the Telos Infinity INF-BP-2 Beltpacks. Although they do not have any physical GPIOs, GPIOs from elsewhere in the network can be used to cause certain actions.
Panel and Beltpack GPIs
Two GPI inputs are available:
Enable Mic - Attaching a GPI input to Enable Mic will enable the mic if disabled.
Mute Speaker - Attaching a GPI input to the Mute Speaker wll switch the speaker to mute mode.
Panel and Beltpack GPOs
Four types of GPO outputs are available for the Panels and Beltpacks:
Single contact key closure.
Talk Active State, any contact key closure will create a trigger.
Speaker Muted, if the Panel speaker is mute this GPO will be triggered.
Input Call Message, a GPO will be triggered if a call is received from the Panel or Beltpack.
Configuring GPIs
One use of a GPI might be to make a call on contact key 1 on the Producers Panel. In the example in the chapter, this would initiate a call from the Producers Panel to the Director.
To configure this, the Producer Panel must have a GPI connected to one of the pins on the D-Type rear connector. In this example we will use Pin-1. This is then mapped to key-1 on the Producers Panel in Dashboard. When Pin-1 is closed, the Producers Panel will call the Director. When Pin-1 is released, the call will be cleared.
Select the Producer Device.
Select GPI in the contact keys window.
Drag the Producer GPI-Pin1 input to the key.
Figure 14 - Creating a GPI to call the Director Panel from the Producer Panel
This completes the configuration. When the GPI is closed on Pin-1 of the Producers Panel, the call is made to the Directors Panel.
Configuring GPOs
One application might be to switch on the Red On-Air lights when the director opens any of their communications channels indicating a studio is rehearsing.
The Talk Active State Panel software GPO can be used as the trigger. When any of the contact keys are pushed or latched, the GPO will trigger. Mapping to a D-Type output could be used to then activate a relay and switch the rehearsal lights on.
In this application, we will use the GPO Pin-1.
Select the Director Device.
Select GPO in the contact keys window.
Drag the Director GPO-Pin1 Talk Active State.
Figure 15 - Creating a GPO to respond to any of the director's calls