The mix-minus output generated by a sound desk can be presented to the intercom system to allow studio crew, such as the Director, to talk over or completely interrupt the mix-minus being sent to the presenters.

Four “dim” levels are provided so that devices, or groups of devices, can apply varying levels of mix-minus level reduction before the IFB is sent to the presenter. Dim-level-1 is the highest priority and dim-level-4 is the lowest. For example, the Director will want a complete cut of mix-minus when they talk, but the Producer may only need 6dB dim in level, so they don’t completely cut out the mix-minus when talking to the presenter.

If a Telos Livewire+™ AES67 sound desk is being used on the network, then its mix-minus output will appear as an input on the Livewire+™ AES67 window. This can be routed directly to the input of the IFB. If the feed is an analog input, then it can be presented on a Panel Aux input or from one of the Telos Alliance xNode inputs.

IFB Setup

The following Figures show how to configure an IFB. Each device wishing to communicate on the IFB must be added to IFB1. This is achieved using the drag and drop functionality in Dashboard.

There are several parts of an IFB, which are explained here;

  • Inputs - this is the input TO the IFB and will be the audio the IFB hears when no panels are talking.

  • Reverse -  this is the audio that comes back from an IFB.  Think of this as an input to the Panel.  It’s the audio the Panel will hear if the key is latched in to Listen mode.

  • Output - the Input is fed to the output along with any Panels that talk to this IFB.  So, the output is the device that delivers the audio to the iFB hardware—for example, a telephone coupler.

    For detailed instructions to configure an IFB please see this Help Document.

  • Select “IFB” on the bottom right corner, click on “Add”, a pop-up window will appear, enter the text “IFB1” into the Name field.

  • The pop-up window allows four dim levels to be set. In this example, Dim-level-1 will be cut completely as it is used for the director, and Dim-level-2 is reduced by 6dB as it will be used for the director.

Figure 1 - Configuring IFB levels

Figure 1 - Configuring IFB levels

  • Click “CREATE” on the pop-up window, this will close, and the Icon “IFB1” will appear in the IFB window.

  • Drag Director Device to Level-1 and the Producer device to Level-2.

Figure 2 - Creating two interrupt levels of IFB

Figure 2 - Creating two interrupt levels of IFB

  • Under the devices window, click on the Producer icon to list the keys of the Producer Panel below.

  • Drag the IFB-1 icon from the IFB window to key-3 of the Producer key.

Figure 3 - Assigning PL1 to Producer contact key 3

Figure 3 - Assigning PL1 to Producer contact key 3

  • Drag the IFB-1 icon from the IFB window to key-3 of the Director key.

Figure 4 - Assigning IFB1 to Director contact key3

Figure 4 - Assigning IFB1 to Director contact key3

  • Drag the IFB-1 icon from the IFB window to key-3 of the Director key.