Virtual Gpio Node Advertisement
Warning: This feature is very much a beta feature. Please report any issues.
Some devices such as the Infinity Dashboard can only discover Gpio devices which participate in Livewire advertisement. This version adds the ability to advertise Pathfinder's internal virtual Gpio node.
By default when you first try to enable this, the Advertise IP will be grayed out and unavailable. In an effort to make advertisement work properly in a clustered environment, this feature can only be enabled using a floating IP. Review the documentation on Floating IPs to add one to the system. Once a floating IP exists, it may be selected from the drop down list. You must click update for the changes to take effect. Please note that you should decide either to use a floating IP or to use None. This is not designed to be switched back and forth. This option also switches the IP address used for snake routing and updates existing snake routes in the router to use the floating IP. That update may take 10 or 15 seconds, and it may take a bit longer for the GPIO routes in the GPIO router to be fully updated with the change. You should pick the option that best suits your environment and stick to it.
Regarding Clustering
It is worth reviewing how the Virtual Gpio node has behaved historically in a cluster which is also how it still behaves if None is selected in the Advertise IP dropdown. If None is selected, the primary server will use it's Livewire IP address for all snake routing assignments. In the case where the primary fails, the secondary will execute a function that switches all snake routes that were on the primary to use the secondary's Livewire IP address.
On the other hand, if you select a floating IP via the advertisement option, PathfinderCore PRO will do a one time switch of all snake routes that are using the host Livewire IP address to instead use the floating IP. Failovers then do not need to make any additional changes as the IP address will float to the other server.
Using this feature, advertisement dependent systems such as Infinity Dashboard should be able to discover the PathfinderCore PRO Virtual Gpio node as if it was any other Livewire Gpio device.