PD-Alert™ Configuration with Various Email Services


The PDM 1 and PDM II's PD-Alert feature can send their email notifications to just about every email service. However, some services require specific workarounds due to non-standard security issues.


Gmail has a custom security API which is not directly supported by PD-Alerts. However, it does support standard username and password connections if you enable the "Allow less secure apps" option on your account.

The setting is here: https://myaccount.google.com/u/2/lesssecureapps

For more information, see here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en


Yahoo has a custom security API which is not directly supported by PD-Alerts. However, it support username and password connections if you generate an application-specific password, and use that instead of your usual account password.

For more information, see here: https://help.smallbusiness.yahoo.net/s/article/SLN29264


Our testing shows that Hotmail works as expected with a standard username and password connection.

Other mail servers

Although we have not specifically tested these servers, we believe PD-Alerts will be able to use them as mail servers:

  • AOL

  • Facebook

  • Hushmail

  • iCloud

  • inbox.com

  • mail.com

  • protonmail

  • Zoho