PowerStation update to 3.0

Before we begin

This document guides the user through the process of updating the Axia Powerstation engine to version 3. Not all Powerstations will need to start at step one. Pay special attention to the notes for each step to make sure you are starting where you need to. Once the engine has been updated to version 3, the most up-to-date release can be installed.

The Powerstation will need to reboot during this process which will interrupt audio through the system.

The steps required to update to version 3.0 differ depending on

  • 1) the original factory image version and

  • 2) the currently installed software version

To learn the original factory image version, go to the Engine “Diagnostics” page on web, press the "View startup log" button, and check the topmost record. While the exact text may slightly vary across different versions, the text marked with the red frame : "PCE vers= " is always present and indicates the original version number that was installed at factory:

For the purposes of this instruction, you need to distinguish two original factory image version ranges:

  • 1.0.0(*), 1.0.1(*), 1.0.2(*)

  • any version in range from 1.0.3(*) to 3.0.1(*)

To learn the currently installed software version, go to the Engine “System” page on web and check the “Hardware and Firmware” section:

Download Update Files

Click here to download a zip file with the required files

Working around a backup power bug

If you are using a PowerStation AUX with the DC backup power cable installed AND the currently installed software version is 1.0.2g, 1.1.2i, or 1.1.2k , Start from here. Otherwise, skip this step.

This resolves a bug in versions before 1.1.2m, which causes the installation into Bank 1 to fail and the device to reboot or lock up.

  1. Disconnect the backup power cable, if one connected

  2. Select NO for Backup Power in the Options page under Mix Engine

  3. Restart

Install Version 1.1.3c

Version 1.13c is the prerequisite version for this update. If you are already running 1.1.3c, you may skip this step.

This step will prepare the main software for installation of version 1.2.4j.

  1. To start the installation, the system must be running in Bank 0.  You will not have an upload button if running from Bank 1, use the Commit button to commit Bank 1 to Bank 0.

  2. Upload the file PS_engine_1-1-3c_upgrade.tbz2 found in Folder 0 of the zip file. Wait 1 minute while the screen indicates “System upload in progress.” After 1 minute, press the Refresh button on the browser to get the confirmation “System upload finished successfully.” If confirmation is not displayed, wait a little more and repeat until you get it. Finally, refresh again, and you will be returned to the System page.

  3. Once 1.1.3c is uploaded to Bank 1, select Bank 1 and Apply. This will reboot the PowerStation into version 1.1.3c.

  4. Once the system has booted to 1.1.3c, return to the system page and commit it to Bank 0 with the Commit button.

Install boot system conversion pack

If your system is already running 1.2.4j or higher, you may skip this step.

This step prepares the system for the update to software versions 1.2.4 and later.

  1. To start the installation, the subsystem must be running in Bank 0.

  2. Upload the file 1601-00545-002-PS_update_for_image_1.0-1.2.4j.tbz2 to Bank 1

Wait 1 minute while the screen indicates “System upload in progress.” After 1 minute, press the Refresh button on the browser to get the confirmation “System upload finished successfully.” If confirmation is not displayed, wait a little more and repeat until you get it. Finally, refresh again, and you will be returned to the System page.

This is an update to the bootloader. This update will not increment the version displayed in the running bank.

Install version 1.2.4j

If your system is already running 1.2.4j or higher, you can skip this step

This step will convert the PS software from separate components to an integrated product installation and prepare the unit to accept further updates of the ".tar" type. During the transition, there is a need for one-time manual synchronization of software versions and active bank selection across subsystems.

  1. Ensure that all subsystems (Engine, Main and Aux IO, and the Switch) are running in bank 0. Check and switch the banks of the subsystems before installation, if necessary.

  2. The Main IO and Aux IO must be running version 2.6.16a in Bank 0. If not, upload the file: PowerStationIO_2_6_16a.pkg and reboot, then manually commit the Main and Aux I/O to bank 0.

  3. The Switch must be running version 1.0.12b in Bank 0. If not, upload the file: PS_switch_1-0-12b_upgrade.pkg and reboot, then manually commit the Switch to Bank 0.

  4. Upload the file 1601-00497-xxx-PS_SOM5786-1.2.4j.tbz2 to Bank 1

    This upload will take longer compared to the earlier software versions. Wait 2 minutes while the screen indicates “System upload in progress.” After 2 minutes, press the Refresh button on the browser to get the confirmation “System upload finished successfully.” If confirmation is not displayed, wait a little more and repeat until you get it. Finally, refresh again, and you will be returned to the System page.

  5. Once 1.2.4j is uploaded to Bank 1, select Bank 1 and Apply Selected Bank button. This will reboot the Element/Engine subsystem into version 1.2.4j.

Conversion to integrated software is complete.

If you receive error messages or observe other unexpected behavior related to software system integrity, see the "Technical Hints" section at the end of this document.  There are a few other more obscure problems that can prevent this from proceeding smoothly.  Call us if you get stuck and we'll help you with the update.

Install boot system update

This step will prepare the unit to install the Element/Fusion combined software.

  1. To start the installation, PowerStation and all sub components must be running in Bank 0.

  2. Upload file 1601-00545-011-PS_upgrade_to_Fusion_step1-3.0.1i.tar to Bank 1

This will only take a few seconds. Refresh the page once receiving the confirmation “System upload finished successfully.”

This is an update to the bootloader. This update will not increment the version displayed in the running bank.

Install Element/Fusion PS 3.0.1

At the time of this writing, version 3.0.1 was the most current version.  There are now newer versions.  Once you have completed the previous step you can go straight to any of these newer versions.  For example, after the previous step, you can go right to version 3.2.1aah.  There is no reason to install 3.0.1i first.

  1. To start the installation, PowerStation must be running in Bank 0. Check if Main/Aux IO and the switch are also running in bank 0. If not, switch them separately to bank 0 before proceeding to the next step. If you get an error in this or any of the subsequent steps, review the “Technical hints” in the following section.

  2. Upload the file 1601-00532-011-PS_Fusion-3.0.1i.tar (or newer version 3.x update) to Bank 1. Once you receive the confirmation “System upload finished successfully,” refresh to return to the system page.

  3. Now select Bank 1 and Apply the Selected Bank button to boot into Element/Fusion 3.0. This will cause all sub-systems to reboot to new versions. (The Main and Aux IO will reboot, the switch will reboot, and the main DSP will reboot.)

  4. Once the system has booted 3.0 from Bank 1, you may return to the system page and commit it to Bank 0 with the Commit button.

This committing is optional – you may continue to operate from Bank 1 and commit at any time later.

Technical hints

If you receive error messages or observe other unexpected behavior related to software system integrity, reading this section may help you to identify and fix the reason.

There is several required conditions for the integrated installer to work properly:

For software uploading:

  • All components must be running from bank 0

For committing:

  • All subsystems must be running from Bank 1

  • All subsystems must contain matched software versions in Bank 1.

For switching software banks:

  • All subsystems must be running from the same bank

  • All subsystems in the bank to be activated must contain matched software versions

Receiving an error message like one of these:

Error: Bank 0/1 not active for some system components.

Error: Bank 0/1 version inconsistency.

Indicates that some of the conditions above are not met, and you will need to manually correct the state of the system. For corrections, use direct access to the IO or switch subsystem web pages instead of following links from the main PowerStation home page. On each subsystem:

  • Check and, if needed, replace the mismatched software versions with ones that match the version in the corresponding bank of Element/Engine

  • Check and, if required, reboot to  the same bank from which Engine is currently running

Once these steps are completed, software uploading, committing and bank switching should work properly.

Matched software version sets:

Element / Engine



3.0.0c / 3.0.1i

I/O Subsystem Main




I/O Subsystem Aux




Ethernet Switch




Receiving an error message:

Error: Not all system components found.

indicates one of the following:

  1. A formerly selected IO subsystem has been disconnected from the system:

    • Check and recover the missing device and its network connection

    • If the device is faulty, get a replacement, execute hardware discovery, and select the new device

    • If you want to stop using the missing device, either permanently or temporarily, execute hardware discovery and select “none” in the corresponding position

  2. A formerly selected IO subsystem has been replaced by another physical device:

    • Execute hardware discovery and select the new device

Let us know how we can help

This can be a complicated process with lots of steps if you are running very old versions. We're happy to jump on a remote session and assist you with this update.

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.