This article describes the QOR-based console's self-test mode for the following consoles:
2001-00273 Radius Console
2001-00275 iQ Console
2001-00283 iQ 8 Fader Expansion Console
2001-00284 iQ 6 Fader Expansion Console + Phone
2001-00285 iQ 6 Fader Expansion Console + Options
2001-00290 RAQ Console
2001-00313 DESQ Console
Before we begin
Please take the time to read through this document before starting any work.
The QOR-based consoles have a built-in self-test for performing diagnostics on surface hardware. Disconnect all cabling and power from the unit before proceeding.
You will be exposing sensitive components to the outside world, so please take special care to work in a static and moisture-free environment. Field upgrades and repairs are performed at your own risk, so please take care. If you prefer to send the unit to the factory for service, contact Telos Technical Support and request a Return Authorization.
Equipment Needed
Device Under Test (DUT): Console
QOR Console Engine with CanBus cable
Phillips Screwdriver
Small needle-nosed pliers - or tweezers
Put the console surface in test mode
Place the console on a table on a soft surface so you can access the underside/rear. Remove the eight screws from the bottom dress panel shown here.
You will find the test mode jumper on the CPU board near the overbridge cable connector. Set the jumper to the TEST position. The center pin connects to the right-hand pin in TEST mode, as shown here.
With the QOR powered off, connect the console to any CANbus port. Power up the QOR engine.
Perform Testing
Turn the unit right side up and press all buttons. This illuminates the buttons and displays. Move the far left faders to an appropriate position to illuminate the buttons and displays.
Note the test mode refers to the fader for channel 1 as “fader 0” and the program 1 button for channel 1 as “button 0” and so on.
Fader Test
Fader-0 movement controls the brightness of the panel buttons, while the Fader-1 movement controls the intensity of the displays. Slide each fader between its two positions, bottom to top, and observe the fader position value on the associated display.

The value expressed on the display is hexadecimal. At the lowest setting, the value should be 0020 (+/-35). At the maximum setting, the value should be 7FFE (+/-35).
Button Test
Move Fader-0 to the maximum top position. Press each button once. When pressed, it will illuminate. With all buttons illuminated, slide Fader-0 to the bottom position. Observe that the brightness of all buttons changes to no illumination. Return Fader-0 to the top position, and all buttons will be fully illuminated. Press each button once more to turn them off.
Rotary Encoder Test
Each encoder is displayed in hexadecimal value on a display under the "Rt:" label. Two sets of encoders are displayed on a single display. Clockwise rotation will increment the value. Counter-clockwise will decrement the value.

Rotate each encoder clockwise and verify the correct value change in the associated display. Reverse rotation direction and confirm appropriate value change.

Each encoder has a button function. Pressing the encoder will result in a reported button press on all displays “Key#nnDN.” Press each encoder and verify button DN and UP state are reported.
The OLED displays to monitor during this test are outlined here:

Display Test
Press Button 00 to invert the displays. Verify response. Press Button 01 to illuminate all pixels on the displays. Inspect displays and make sure there are no missing pixels.

LED Test
Press buttons 06, 10, 1A,24 (the leftmost four ‘ON’ buttons). With each button press, the green LEDs to the right of the surface will illuminate. Verify all four green LEDs illuminate.
Exit Test Mode
Remove power from the QOR engine. Flip the console back over and move the test mode jumper back to its original position. Remove the CanBus cable and -attach the bottom panel. Then reattach the CanBus cable, and power the QOR engine back up.
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If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.