This document contains Release notes for Quasar versions 1, 2, and 3. It includes listings for significant new features, functional improvements, and bug fixes for each version.
Version 3.1.0
Released on 02/10/2025 - ECO#3115
Click here for Installation Instructions for this version
Most significant features of this release
MTS Web UI: Added capability to upload FW to the SmartKey Modules, allowing Field Updates
MTS Web UI: Added SAP support and SDP parsing to Sources Profiles Inputs
MTS Web UI: Added support for Direct control of the HotKeys through LWCP protocol
MTS GUI: Added Indication that a Quasar Soft session is active on MTS Home screen
Console Control Logic: Optimized Multicast messaging generated by the Loudness Meter Warning
MTS GUI: CR volume encoder ring will turn on yellow when PFL is active, and MTS Home tab is not selected
MTS GUI: Added touchscreen lock functionality into the System Setup menu (access by holding MON OPT key)
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Moved Automix On/Off and Weight settings to Source Profiles and Improve wording on UI
Console Control Logic: MTS Web UI: Include Auto Attack/Release modes (speech, music, manual) into DYN Presets, Source, and Show Profiles
MTS Web UI: Intercom Control: Added "Auto External PFL" setting option to the Intercom Control menu to avoid using non-routable Multicast GPIO
XR-4FAD Modules UI: Option to reduce LED color intensity of the fader bargraph meter when the channel is OFF (Requires v4.3.0 Firmware update on XR Modules)
Console Control Logic: Added support for LWCP EVENTs to TALK/LISTEN indicator in MTS Home Tab
Console Control Logic: Added a new value called "AFL" to the LWCP property ASG_PREV. Now this property has 3 states: OFF, ON, and AFL.
Quasar Engine: Option to disable VLAN 0 tags in audio packets
Quasar Engine: PTP sync: two-step operation support (required for sending delay request messages when slaved to PTP)
Quasar Engine: Syslog: add clock events, move meter messages to "debug", move LWRP and LWCP messages to "informational"
Quasar Engine: Added new POST-ON function to Direct Outs.
Other Functional Improvements
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Shortcut to quickly move fader to 0.0dB position (double-click on the fader - works with mouse only)
Improved UI settings for channel Automix to Source Profile, and added possibility to retain or override in Show Channels
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: Moved all "Load from Source Profile >" drop-down menus out of the +/- header
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Improved behavior of the checkboxes that enable Dyn, EQ, Filters and Bus Assignments
MTS Web UI: Engine Connection: improved presentation of Console Priority field to be self-explanatory
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Improve AFL control implementation, adding AFL to the Automatic Switching options of Source Profiles
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Added option: "Channel ON turns TB OFF" in Source profiles/ Source Options section.
Bug Fixes since 3.0.0
Fixed an issue with Custom Backfeeds, not created properly by the console during Show Profile load, and created correctly only if the source is loaded manually. Previously released on 01/04/24 - ECO#2991
MTS GUI: If not in number entry mode, DTMF commands are sent twice for each key, one on press and another on release
Console UI Logic: Fixed Bug associated to SmartKeys Flashing even when in ON state
MTS GUI: The small Dynamics Graph in the Ch Home screen is not the same as the Large Graph: Makeup Gain is not applied to the curve
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: If any change is done to a Show after saving the Automix mode defaults to pre-fader
Quasar Soft: Some parameters will not be updated on Quasar Soft when a Show is loaded while QSoft is running
Quasar Soft: Reloading a Source from Quasar Soft's MTS module causes the source to disappear
Quasar Soft: "Talk to" Gain value is not updated and therefore control is not possible. Regression from version 2.0 introduced in 2.1
Quasar Engine RPS: the graphics engine is not started if the system is booted without a display connected to the HDMI port
MTS GUI: When uploaded, the user logo is not sent via HTTP to Quasar Soft and is not updated
Quasar Soft: Unable to display a Full or Small Monitor module without at least one fader being attached
MTS GUI: Control & Backfeed: Talkback is not indicated on left channel source when Default backfeed is selected
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: If “AM from source” is selected for a channel, after clicking “Save Show” this value returns to “AM Weight 9”
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Direct Outs are producing Live Stereo no matter what choice is made in the source profile
Console Control Logic: After a restart of the MTS Module, the first time Quasar Soft is started some faders are set to 0.0 dB
MTS GUI: PGM4 Meter in the Simple UI is fed by post-fader, pre-ON/OFF signal , instead of post-fader, post-ON/OFF
Console Control Logic: Pressing the "Preview Source" button in the MTS Channel Source tab leaves the PFL stuck in active state
Console Control Logic: It's possible to override Channels' and Busses' Tab Locks using the graph shortcuts in Channel Home or other non-locked channels
MTS GUI: Loudness Meter in Simple UI's switchable Meter #3 is always routed to Monitor feed
SmartKeys FW: Button Group #4 of a 24-Key Module can only send button presses, but does not receive and show rendered text
Console Control Logic: Optimize Multicast messaging generated by the Loudness Meter Warning
Engine Communication: Fixed Engine connection mechanism in cases where the network is not a flat subnet
MTS GUI: Fixed the routing of the confidence meter in the Talk To Studio control
MTS GUI: Fixed different presentation between PPM meters in MTS Home and Channel Input Tabs
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: PGM1-4 Locks in Source profiles are not saved to the Profile and do not survive a Console reboot
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: PGM1-4 Locks can be set to "Retain Lock" and "Lock" but not to "Unlock"
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: fixed Backfeeds' Stream Configuration UI to hide LW channel and Stream type in LW expert mode
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Channel Mapping was not saved correctly in all stream setting menus
Quasar Soft: fixed URL field accepting out of range channel. Now they are rejected
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Livewire Expert settings are ignored on Backfeed stream
Quasar Soft: Fader level is not actually changed when a Quasar Soft Fader is set to 0dB with a double-click
Quasar Engine: Insert Return in Post-Fader position is affected by Channel MUTE
Quasar Engine: Fader and Bus Limiter gain reduction meter occasionally gets stuck
Quasar Engine: Some default channel numbers and names are incorrect, after restoring the Engine configuration to Default settings
Quasar Engine: After an Engine reboot, the VMIX / VMODE input selectors don't receive audio unless they are set to External, after which the selector returns to regular functionality
Quasar Engine: Web UI: Ext Monitor and Aux Return page shows Packet Time=5ms for inactive source
Quasar Engine: Web UI: If you press Enter while the cursor is in any input field, the SDP file will be downloaded
Quasar Engine: Automixer gain reduction is not applied in post-fader mode
Quasar Engine: Engine keeps sending meter data during short timeout (case when the console is temporarily disconnected or rebooted)
Quasar Engine: Audible clicks on PGM 4 output if the audio delay is enabled
Quasar Engine: Channel’s Aux Send 1-8 contribution meters in Channel Home page show incorrect value
Quasar Engine: Master Auxes: Bus meter pre-delay meter does not indicate output level
Quasar Engine: Mix-minus backfeed is not working correctly for Codec and Phone sources. Full mix is used instead of N-1
Quasar Engine: Web UI: The V-Mixer and V-Mode home page can be redirected to the "Settings Page #1" when pressing EnterQuasar Engine: LW synchronization might not work correctly after system restart. Cycling between PTP and LW sync restores the LW sync
Quasar Engine: Some VMIX parameters are not correctly restored after a software update, or after a backup is restored
Quasar Engine: Main PFL Meter shows audio level post-gain instead of pre-gain. Restored pre-gain metering
Selecting "EXTERNAL - Livewire" on a VMIX input without entering a LW channel results in blank AES67 channel selection
Auto-attack is not accepted by Engine being part of CDxx (required to save Auto-Attack settings in Dyn Presets)
VMixer/Vmode PGM1 input selector has Omnia Processing applied to it
Quasar Engine: PTP sync: wrong byte number for two-step sync mode detection
Surface Firmware Changelog
MCU FW for All Modules : added new Dimmed Mode for XR Fader Meter bargraphs
Note - No changes are included in this FW for other surface modules. This FW can be applied to all modules in any caseNew FW for SmartKeys Modules: fixed bug where in some cases, the 24-button modules could generate corrupted graphics on one of the keypad modules
Version 3.0.1
released on 01/04/24 - ECO#2991
Fixed an issue where Sources with Custom backfeeds would not load properly if loaded from a Show Profile.
version 3.0.0
by L. La Rosa , released on 12/15/2023 - ECO#2989
Most significant features of this release:
Console System Architecture: Implemented new Console API v6, required to support AES67 and Bus processing. Requires an Engine running v3.0. Control of Engines running older versions is not supported
Console System Architecture: De-Esser PFL selector updated to new API
Console System Architecture: Added Smart Keys to System Test
Console TS GUI: Multiple Tabs: Added Touch Control Handles to tweak Filters, EQ, DYN and De-Esser main parameters, directly from the Touchscreen graph.
Console TS GUI: Channel Input: added phase detectors on top of I/O meters
Console TS GUI: Channel Home: Updated screen to include Direct Out (Insert Send) and Insert Return controls and I/O meters
Console TS GUI: Added Program 1-4, Phone and Record Busses selection to the Channel Select Menu
Console TS GUI: Added New Bus Processing tabs, for each output bus (includes new Bus Master Fader)
Console TS GUI: Dynamics Tab: Removed Limiter option from Compressor Ratio
Console TS GUI: De-Esser Tab: Added New Channel Limiter controls
Console TS GUI: Call Controller Tab: Added New 12-Lines Call Controller screen
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Updated the entire Web UI with new layout and graphics style for a better navigation experience and eye fatigue reduction.
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: Added new Bus Processing section to the Main Page top menu (add Tab Locks to each bus)
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Added new Stream I/O Settings section, with Livewire/AES67 configuration for all channel I/Os.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Added new "Livewire Expert" mode to allow manual configuration of PTime, Backfeed IP, Ch Map, To/From Source.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Renamed "Feed Source" option to "Backfeed Mode", moved to Source Logic section, and made it interact with Stream I/O settings
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Add Locks to Pan and Delay
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added option to configure Meter #4 in Expert UI and Meter #2 in Simple UI to display either Program 2, 3, 4, Record, or Phone busses
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added option to configure the horizontal bar meter below the Analog VUs to display PGM1/2/3/4/Record/Phone/Monitor with auto PFL switching
MTS Web UI: Engine Connection: Added priority control mechanism for redundant Control Surfaces
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: New Studio Guest Position widget added
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Added option to show the Master Section in the center of the surface, in case Tabs are disabled
XR Modules Web UI: Layers: Added Main Output Busses to Layers Setup, in order to control "Bus Masters" from the channel strip. (Feature not available to SR Modules)
XR Modules Web UI: Channel Keymap: Added Limiter and Insert Return Switching to the list of mappable functions
XR Modules Web UI: Channel Keymap: Added Layers to the list of mappable functions, for recalling layers per-channel, using User Keys
ACC Modules: Added new VMIX control mode
Quasar Engine RPS: Created dedicated Top-Level Software
Engine System Architecture: Switch to API version 6. Requires a control surface running v3.0. Control from surfaces running older versions is not supported.
Quasar Engine: Extended AES67 Support to all Channel Inputs and Outputs (including Backfeeds, IFBs, Insert Send/Return), all Monitor and External Inputs and Outputs, and all VMIX Inputs and Outputs.
Quasar Engine: Added Stream channel mapping to all Inputs and Outputs, and to I/Os controlled from the console or through LWRP and LWCP
Quasar Engine: Added Option to synchronize to PTP Clock
Quasar Engine: Added a dedicated buffer setting for "Livewire/AES67 1ms" packets, to handle all streams with packet times between 0.25ms and 1ms. Updated Web UI by adding corresponding field.
Quasar Engine: The existing LW Standard Streams buffer setting is now applied to all streams with packet times bigger than 1ms.
Quasar Engine: Added SDP Import to AES67 Destinations and SDP Export from AES67 Sources
Quasar Engine Web UI: General Layout updates and Graphical Style improvements. Removed unused Status pages.
Quasar Engine Web UI: Exposed the PHONE bus output to the network and added its Stream output configuration settings to the UI. Previously the PHONE bus was internal only.
Quasar Engine: Added HP and LP Filters, Dynamics, new True Peak Limiter and Master Faders to Programs, Aux, Record and Phone busses
Quasar Engine: Added Variable Position Direct Outputs and Insert return points on all input channels
Quasar Engine: Added New Low-Latency Limiter to all channels, removing the existing limiter from the Compressor
Quasar Engine: Added support for redundant Control Surfaces (Priority Control mechanism for console-to-engine connection)
Quasar Engine: Replaced all stream receivers with new improved version, ensuring accurate time alignment using packet timestamps
Quasar Engine: Added Autoconfiguration option to Stream receivers for detecting incoming format of AES67 streams.
Other Functional Improvements
Console TS GUI: Multiple Tabs: Added Animated Widgets for Volume and PFL controls
Console TS GUI: Channel Ctrl & B/F Tab: Moved Source Request Unload from Ch Home Tab to this Tab
Console TS GUI: Call Controller Tab: Returned the 8-Lines Call Controller screen to original v2.0 Layout, and added animated PFL widget.
Console TS GUI: Multiple Tabs: Fixed visual alignment of some graphical objects
Console TS GUI: MTS Home Tab: Added User Logo inside the clock
Console TS GUI: Channel Home Tab: Added shortcuts to EQ/DYN/AUX by touching graphs
Console TS GUI: Channel Ctrl & B/F Tab: Hide DIM Gain control instead of deactivating it, when Sources with Custom Backfeeds are loaded.
Console TS GUI: Main Meters: Added British-Style Analog PPM meters
MTS Web UI: Added a red "DSP Active" indicator below each of the Main Meters, right above the Bus name label.
MTS Web UI: Reworked page left menu index for better group separation, especially in non-styled HTML layouts
MTS Web UI: Customize: Reorganized page layout to be more compact in order to reduce vertical scrolling.
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added collapsible tabs to Source Profile and Show Profile Pages
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added drop-down menu for selecting 8-Lines or 12-Lines Call Controller
MTS Web UI: User Manual: Added new link for downloading the latest console User Manual
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added upload section for User Logo
MTS Web UI: Active Connections: Added monitoring of connected External Control Devices to this page.
MTS Web UI: Source Profile: Added option to Configure the color of a Channel's RGB strip to be tied to an individual source. When enabled, overrides the general Source Type color settings (Customize menu)
MTS Web UI: Source Profile: Renamed "External" to "External MONs" in Source Availability section
Console Control Logic: Added support for LWCP Flash command to SmartKey buttons
Console Control Logic: Added dedicated GPIO outputs to TOO LOUD, OK and TOO SOFT, states of the Loudness Traffic Light
Console Control Logic: Added SmartKey modules to devices that can wake up the surface from Dimmed state
Console Control Logic: Source ownership is now being dropped in case of engine disconnection, or change to the number of licensed channels
Console Control Logic: Added Check for RPL access before sending meter messages, in order to get rid of lots of log warnings at console startup
Console Control Logic: Removed automatic injection of Talk to CR into the PFL bus in case of CR Mic type sources, in order to avoid feedback loops when the Talk to CR is active from a CR Guest Mic, and PFL to LS function is active on the console
ACC Modules Web UI: Update Web UI menu and Rework Layout of the Operation Mode UI page to make it more self-explanatory
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Changed entire window background from white to black
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Added option to link the Channel Select function across multiple PC monitors
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Added SR stile Automix button widget, so the fader can be removed without losing the AM control functionality
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Add small confidence meter to the Rotary Fader widget
Quasar Engine: Change the advertised names for "Program 4 Record" and "Program 4 Phone" buses to "Record" and "Phone"
Quasar Engine: VMIX: added phase and pan to input channels
Quasar Engine: VMIX: added LWCP control of channel input sources
Quasar Engine: VMIX: Extended Fader Gain range from -80..+10dB to -128..+10dB
Bug Fixes
MTS Top-Level SW: Fixed the EXTERNAL input selection missing from the list of monitor sources in ACC modules GUI.
Console Control Logic: Fixed bug that prevented users from selecting External Sources in ACC modules when Custom Backfeed Sources are loaded
Console Control Logic: Fixed GPO Logic for Computer Player sources: Do not send steady ON Lamp , but only NEXT pulse.
Console Control Logic: Fixed source unload function to clear more attributes
Console TS GUI: Fixed position of the CR DIM indication into CR SPK widget, instead of being in the CR HP widget
SR-4FAD module Disconnect Detection Logic: Fixed bug which in rare cases could crash the MTS Top-Level software upon module USB disconnection or power off.
Console UI Logic: Fixed bug with Soft Fader offset not being correctly applied by Soft Faders, which were reporting position 10x times smaller
MTS Web UI: Source Profile: Fixed "Guest HP" filter in Source Availability section, not being applied to Guest HP Sources.
Quasar Engine: R2 front panel: PSU1 and PSU2 status (OK/error) is not automatically updated on "system status" menu
Quasar Engine: R2 front panel: the front panel shows console status:"CONNECTED" , but web UI shows :"Connection timeout"
Quasar Engine: R2 front panel: Removed irrelevant status indicator [WAN OFF] - the console engine does not have a WAN interface
Quasar Engine: Unable to configure IFB inputs through LWRP
Quasar Engine: Web UI: Some cases where it is not possible to change V-mode output PTime
Quasar Engine: Web UI: RPL page incorrectly shows VMIX X Sub Gains and Output
Quasar Engine: Web UI: The browser sometimes does not load the latest style and Javascript files
Quasar Engine: Web UI: Can not set empty input source name for VMIX
Quasar Engine: After deactivating a license, some attributes are not set to default values
Quasar Engine: Sometimes, after activating the equalizer, the entire audio signal is cut
Quasar Engine: False "Conflict with VMode" error message configuring from VMix channels web page
Quasar Engine: VMODE SRC. No stream and audio status when sending to unknown device on 0.25ms (Live) packet timing
Quasar Engine: Mix Minus feeds do not work correctly in case Delay is added to Bus Outputs
Quasar Engine: LWCP process crashes when it receives a message longer than command buffer size
Quasar Engine: LWCP with two commands not working
Quasar Engine: LWCP timedown limit processing is not correct
Quasar Engine: Syslog sends a message "CPU utilization level critically high" when enabling phase correlation, loudness or true peak meters
Surface Firmware Changelog
MCU FW for All Modules : Fixed bug in SR Fader Module that in certain cases causes mismatch between fader physical and logical positions (dB reading)
MCU FW for MTS-Module : Fixed bug in MTS Module USB messaging queue, that in certain cases causes the module's MCU to crash, freezing all module's hardware controls except the Touchscreen.
Version 2.2.3
Released 04/07/2023 - ECO#2903
Click here for the files and installation instructions for this version
Most significant features of this release:
Global: Added support for the new SmartKey Modules
XR and SR Fader modules: Introduced variable Bottom Value (-inf. transition point) with 5 settings: -80dB, -75dB, -70dB, -65dB, -60dB
Web UI - Brightness Control: Changed all Modules' dimming trigger to global and added an option for XR Modules to follow the dimming timeout set in the MTS module
Web UI - Brightness Control: Added Default Brightness settings to all Modules.
Other Functional improvements:
Console TS GUI - Home & Monitor Tabs: Added Dimming indicator to all Volume and DIM controls.
Web UI - Quasar Soft: updated fader meters to match the behavior of the console hardware bar graphs
Web UI - Quasar Soft: Fixed Faders' segments scale to match the actual dB readings of the hardware faders.
Web UI - Active Connections: Add version indication to connected modules table
Console TS GUI - Home Tab: Added "LISTEN" indication to green TALK signal, active when Talk to CR function is active.
LWCP protocol: Add IND state of the AUTO/PHONE to LWCP
Web UI - Log: Added logging of Quasar Soft remote hosts' IP Addresses
Console TS GUI - Channel De-Esser: changed page layout to prepare space for limiter block (in v3.0)
Bug Fixes:
Network communication: Fixed memory leak in the presence of Legacy consoles' multicast Supervision Protocol on the network
Web UI - Presets: Fixed Dynamics Trim Gain not stored to or loaded from Dynamics Preset (RM #20427)
Web UI - Shows: Feed to source sum gain is now correctly stored when the current state is captured to show (RM #20425)
Console Logic: Fixed Talk To CR injection into Loudspeakers when PFL to LS is active (RM #15555)
Console Logic: Fixed Monitor Mode switching when Standard Record Mode is activated
Console Logic: Fixed invalid IP address check in Intercom Configuration
Console Logic: Fixed GPIO ON pin for Computer Player Sources
Quasar Soft: Fixed fader start with Arm in the presence of Quasar Soft instance
Console TS GUI - Channel Tabs: Fixed text color indication not changing to yellow when the tab is selected
Console TS GUI - Automix Tab: Fixed Channel Selectors in Channel Groups 17-32, 33-48, 49-64
Engine: Case when Engine sends unnecessary IGMP leave and join messages (RM #12977)
Engine: Not all IGMP membership reports are sent after the initial engine startup (RM #19778)
Engine: Talk to CR not indicated in DATA.CRSR for some source types (RM #20228)
Engine: Some VMIX input selector not recalled after restart (RM #19965)
MCU Firmware Changelog (version 4.0.3)
General code improvements and clean-up
Size optimizations
Optimized Touch Sensor settings (faster response time)
Changed to a completely new Motorized Fader Control Algorithm
Fixed motion sensor detection during motorized movement
Fixed incorrect position reported by SR faders
Fader logic state machine improvements added all edge cases
Changed Key Guard's Brightness scale to match ON-OFF Keys
Improved standalone Self-Test (with jumper)
Added Fader ADC automatic calibration and synchronized with MCU startup sequence
by: L. LaRosa - Sep 22, 2022
Click here for the files and installation instructions for this version
Note - This is a bugfix release. No new features are being added to this version. This update is for the Quasar Master Module only, containing all updates previously released for this module.
Console TS GUI - Ch Input: Left Channel Backfeed indicator always shows "none."
Web UI - Quasar Cast: Fixed Audio meter not functioning in v2.1.0
Web UI - Quasar Soft: Fixed meters' time constants not correctly initialized when the console is running in Simple UI Mode
Fixed Quasar Soft channel fader meters' scale, not perfectly corresponding to the console's LED bar graph
MTS Web UI - Shows: Fixed Individual Headphones Source settings overriding Custom Backfeed Source settings and causing unwanted changes once the Show is loaded.
Console TS GUI – Automix Tab: Optimized page to allow continuous and fast operation of the Attack and Release controls
Console TS GUI: Fixed refreshing of empty Presets lists and empty Sources lists
MTS Web UI - Shows: Added value range check for the Frequency parameters in De-Esser
MTS Web UI - Shows: Fixed value range for CR and ST Monitor Gain in Muted state
Improvements and Cosmetic Enhancements
MTS Web UI – Customize Menu: Added a note to Analog Meters warning that it is available in the expert UI only
by: L. LaRosa - May 16, 2022
This version adds new features. This update is for all Quasar Surface Modules, and it contains all updates previously released so far. There is no update to Quasar Engine in this version.
Click here for the files and installation instructions for this version
Console TS GUI: MTS Home: Replaced current "ON AIR" text on MTS Home indicator with two separate indicators for "ST MIC LIVE" and "CR MIC LIVE".
Console TS GUI: MTS Home: Added new "CONSOLE ON AIR" indicator driven by PF logic state (through LWCP) or by GPI pin 15 of the CR MON GPIO port.
Console TS GUI: MTS Home: Added Clear TB as second function (long press) to the Clear PFL button.
Console TS GUI: Call Controller: Added PFL control.
Console TS GUI: Channel Source: Option to hide selected channels in the list of sources available in the console Input Tab.
Console TS GUI: Channel Input: Possibility to request Source Unload from a channel in "Listen Only" mode.
Console TS GUI: Channel Backfeed: Implemented Source selectors for all three types of feeds
Console TS GUI: Unified meters’ look across pages where applicable
MTS Web UI: Customize: Option to turn off LU metering completely. When disabled, PPM bars become wider.
MTS Web UI: Customize: Option to freely select the LU meter type (Traffic Light or Meter Box), not dependent on Simple/Expert UI selected.
MTS Web UI: Customize: Added Soft Fader offset. Applies globally to Ch Control & B/Feed UI fader and all Quasar Soft Faders. Shows an orange fader knob if active.
MTS Web UI: Customize: Option to configure Layer Keys as additional User Buttons when Layers are disabled by mapping them to the first four keys of the 2nd bank of User Buttons.
MTS Web UI: Show Misc Options: Added individual locks for ALL master TABs except HOME. MON OPT and PROFILES keys follow master locks.
MTS Web UI: Show Misc Options: Option to prevent removal of PGM bus assignments when channels are ON. Selectable per bus.
MTS Web UI: Show Monitor Section: Added individual locks for ALL Monitor controls.
MTS Web UI: Show Monitor Section: Option for monitor source selection interlock, ensuring a source for monitoring is always selected.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Option to decouple ON/OFF buttons and lamps from input channel control. (for use with LWCP only).
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Possibility to associate a Preset to a Source when this is loaded.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Option to Link CR Speakers and PFL Volume. If active, do not remap CR Monitor volume to PFL volume.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Option to auto-activate PFL when TB is pressed and leave it active once TB is deselected.
MTS Web UI: Quasar Soft: Added SR-style wide PGM button widgets.
MTS Web UI: SR Modules Keymap: Added AUTO USER/SET/HOLD Phone key map option.
XR Web UI: Keymap: Added AUTO USER/SET/HOLD Phone key map option.
ACC Modules: Individual HP selector: Added External source selector menu and PFL key
ACC Modules Web UI: Operation Mode: Added ON / OFF keys lock.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Added Source Name indication to menu header.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Removed restriction of dynamics/de-esser not available for all source types
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: Moved Automix Global Settings and other settings not related to the Monitor Section to a new Miscellaneous Options page.
MTS Web UI: Brightness Control: Added Touchscreen Display Blanking option, enabled by default with a 1-hour timeout.
MTS Web UI: Brightness Control: Added Touchscreen Display Brightness Dim timeout.
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: changed default guest individual HP volume to -20 dB (was 0dB).
Console Control Logic: Option to control Aux Returns ON-OFF state and PGM Assignment via LWCP and from Pathfinder.
Console Control Logic: Changed Lw Source ownership reporting order in LWCP messaging to notify when source ownership is transferred.
Console TS GUI: Changed Loudness Traffic Light colors for better readability.
ACC Modules: Hide the clock when an Internal or External Source list is displayed for easier scrolling.
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: Fixed behavior of external source not being loaded to HP Guests on Show profiles.
XR-4FAD Modules: Channel Display UI: Fix issue with long Ch labels exceeding two rows.
Dimming Timeout of SR modules is now applied instantly and no longer requires MTS Module reboot.
MTS Web UI: SR Modules: Firmware version is correctly decoded (now showing 2.0.2 instead of 2.2).
QuasarSoft: Read preview status and channel control map on start-up.
Console TS GUI: Fixed Monitor mute indicators
This is a bugfix release. No new features are being added with this version. This update is for the Quasar Master Module only, and it contains all updates previously released for this module
Web UI – Show Profiles: Fix CR HP and CR LS Signal Mode Selector, rejecting the SUM setting.
Console TS GUI - Home page: Fix On Air signal state not synchronized when a Show with STMicrophones turned ON is loaded
Console TS GUI - Intercom Controller: Fix possible disconnection in some cases where largeintercom panels are present
Web UI - Shows: Fixed Input Trim default to +25dB on new Show Profile creation
Note - This is a bugfix release. No new features are being added with this version. This update is for the Quasar Master Module only, and it contains all updates previously released for this module.
Show Profiles: Fixed an issue with incorrect input mode range, which caused all channels in a
Show profile with the input mode set to "Stereo", "Left" or "Right" to be set to "SUM" mode.
Console TS GUI: Fixed Aux Send activity indication in Channel Home page.
Console Logic: Fixed mappable Aux function in fader module keymap.
Quasar Soft: fixed Channel Strip AUX Active Indicator (Green LED) not working
Quasar Soft: fixed tab behavior on edge cases: don't show tabs if only a single tab is about to be shown, show only single number range if it is the case, fixed tab number calculation
Console TS GUI: introduced soft-knob sensitivity settings for source/show lists
Console TS GUI: non-existing channels are no longer shown on the channel select screen, while channels that are disabled or locked are grayed out.
Web UI - MTS Log: added device name in log file header
Web UI - Quasar Cast: make the player a popup window, add stop button
Web UI - Quasar Soft & Cast: change wording on some buttons
Web UI - Shows: fix editing of Aux Send Gain and Aux Return Gain and Pan
Web UI - Shows: document PFL to HP range
Web UI - Shows: fix panorama position decoding
Web UI - Profiles: added filter slope of 48 dB/Octave
Show Profiles: added limit checks for attribute values
HTML: fixed legend color in Internet Explorer
Console License Management UI added
Engine License Management UI added
Quasar Soft added (License required for use)
Quasar Cast added (License required for use)
As an introductory promotion, Quasar Soft and Quasar Cast is available FREE to all Quasar XR customers, so you qualify for this offer if you purchased a Quasar XR console before December 31, 2021. If you bought a Quasar SR console, Quasar Soft is available as an optional upgrade. Please follow this guide to obtain a license.
Added support for SR Modules
Added support for Accessory Modules – Channel Strip mode
Added support for Accessory Module – Studio Guest Position mode, with Individual Headphone Feed Selector
Added Infinity Intercom soft controller and full integration with console monitoring
Added support for Engine v2.0 (API type 5 with variable channel count automatic detection)
SR Module brightness control
Added support for Power Distribution Board diagnostics
Changed fader gain limit to -128.0 .. +10.0 dB
New HTML5 Engine brings in a number of improvements. Loading of Remote UI from various browsers, all values from Quasar surface are now read correctly and always synchronized
Added support for Fader channel capacity licensing
Added support for streams with 1ms packet time to all Quasar Engine inputs
Added PFL level control to CR headphones in Quasar Engine
Quasar Soft: fixed Channel Strip AUX Active Indicator (Green LED) not working
Quasar Soft: fixed tab behavior on edge cases: don't show tabs if only a single tab is about to be shown, show only single number range if it is the case, fixed tab number calculation
Console TS GUI: introduced soft-knob sensitivity settings for source/show lists
Console TS GUI: non-existing channels are no longer shown on channel select screen ,
while channels that are disabled or locked are grayed out.
Web UI - MTS Log: added device name in log file header
Web UI - Quasar Cast: make player a popup window, add stop button
Web UI - Quasar Soft & Cast: change wording on some buttons
Web UI - Shows: fix editing of Aux Send Gain and Aux Return Gain and Pan
Web UI - Shows: document PFL to HP range
Web UI - Shows: fix panorama position decoding
Web UI - Profiles: added filter slope of 48 dB/Octave
Show Profiles: added limit checks for attribute values
HTML: fixed legend color in Internet Explorer
Console UI: Added dedicated control to Master Home page for Split PFL Level
Console UI: CH Input: replaced Backfeed Dim Gain (also available in CTRL & BF tab) with Ch Input Delay control.
Console UI: CH B/Feed: Fixed Feed name indication on HP Level Control when Default B/F type is used on Mic Sources for Individual HP control
Console UI: CH B/Feed: added individual volume controls for left and right when Custom B/F source type is selected
Console UI: CH B/Feed: added Backfeed Preview button, rearranged the layout to follow input page
Console UI: CH Input: UI buttons and gauges are now greyed out when they are locked from the Web GUI
Console UI: Automixer: channel selector switched to 4 banks of 16-channel pages
Console UI: Main Meters: fixed color transition point of the DIN meter bars from -10dB to - 9dB
Console UI: Main meters: added button to switch the input of the Analog VU meters (needles)
Console UI: Main Meters: changed PFL meter label from "PFL" to "PFL / AFL"
Console UI: Main Meters: updated time constants for all meter ballistics except VU
Console UI: Ch Select screen: Channel Select buttons now display the name of the loaded Source.
Console UI: Call Controller: improved signalization of all line states by adding several new indication types and using different colors for each.
Console UI: Call Controller: added active status signalization to the "Busy All" button
Console UI: Master Auxes: This tab now includes the Aux Return tab. Added button to access it.
Console UI: Master Home: added separate indicators for AFL, PFL, and EXT PFL
Console UI: Dynamics: added Post-Processing Trim Gain control. Reduced Trim Gain Range to +/-10.0dB
Console UI / Web UI: changed limit of the dynamics trim gain parameter to -10.0 .. +10.0 dB
Console UI: Home: renamed PFL volume control to "PFL to LS". Added source display below the corresponding gauge
Console UI: Home: added new "PFL to HP" volume control. Added source display below the corresponding gauge
Console UI: Home and Monitor: changed text indication from "TALK" to "TALK to CR" when the Talk to CR function is active.
Console UI: All Tabs: improved positioning of text labels within graphical UI buttons
Console UI: Multiple Tabs: Added "Push to 0" function to Ch Input Trim Gain, Ch Pan, Dynamics Trim Gain, EQ Trim Gain, Ch Aux Sends, Master Auxes.
Console UI: Monitor: send to Engine the input name of external sources only, not of the internal busses
Console UI: HDMI display out: Updated Axia Logo
Console UI: System Test: updated with the addition of all new functions' names
Console UI: Engine control: All Channel Input modes can be selected now from the console, for all source types.
MTS Web UI: Main Menu: renamed "Console Discovery" menu link to "XR and ACC Modules"
MTS Web UI: Main Menu: added new "SR Modules" menu, for managing SR-4FAD modules
MTS Web UI: Meter Options: Added option for calibrating the Analog VU meter to Peak/RMS signals, (+3dBU offset)
MTS Web UI: Meters Options: added separate analog meter selector, to display VU Meters and horizontal meter with different ballistics
MTS Web UI: Presets: removed duplicated submit buttons
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: add the option to Disable Fader Position Capture (Capture Fader Position as Retain)
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: Added PFL to HP Volume parameter field
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: added possibility to set Fader Position defaults when creating a new show, or updating/capturing a show
MTS Web UI: All Pages: Improved compatibility with MS Edge browser
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: renamed Signal Phase and mode to "Input Phase" and "Input Mode" to match the Console UI
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: added monitor link lock flag to the Monitor Section
MTS Web UI: Source Profiles: added availability mask for Guest HP sources
MTS Web UI: Show Profile Monitors: Added max gain limit check for Feed to Source sum gain
MTS Web UI: Engine configuration: Added Engine Channel Count detection to Engine Select popup list in Engine discovery
MTS Web UI: Sources / Presets: Allow storing 51:1 compressor rate for limiter configurations in profiles
MTS Web UI: Status: added indication of PSU DC Output rails to PDB Inputs
MTS Web UI: Presets: added dynamics trim gain parameter
MTS Web UI: removed Script Information page from the main menu
MTS Web UI: Customize: moved the Key Options menu to its own header, since it doesn't need a reboot to be applied.
XR-4FAD Web UI: Key Map: added new shortcuts for direct access to channel processing tabs
XR-4FAD Web UI: added Fader Options menu with the possibility to enable/disable both motors and sensors
XR-4FAD Web UI: Brightness: changed names of brightness groups to match SR Modules
XR-4FAD and ACC Web UI: Fader and ACC Modules: Implemented Talk to CR key in keymap
ALL Modules and Engine Web UI: Changed text color of the main menu column Headers to blue, to remove potential confusion with active links
ALL Modules Web UI: General Improvements to HTTP and HTML standard implementation
Quasar Soft: Read show name and record mode status on startup
HW Surface: change the color of auto-mix Key to cyan to increase color differentiation with PGM keys
Quasar Engine: Web UI: Change signalization to engine for the Monitor Input Stream page
Quasar Engine: Web UI – minor enhancements and cleanup
Quasar Engine: Monitor Input Status page: confusing representation of external stream inputs vs internal selections, outdated "Ext Talkback" name"
Console UI: System page: fixed signed integer overflow in IP address handling from scripts: an IP address with last octet larger than 127 was not correctly supported
Console UI: Record Mode: Fix record mode activation in case of too many switch actions defined
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: fixed Force ON show profile setting
Console UI: De-Esser: fixed mode indication
MTS Web UI: Show Profiles: fix channel availability masks offset when a single channel is enabled
ALL Modules Web UI: HTTP code: fix basic authorization handling in presence of UTF-8 symbols
MTS Web UI: Text entries: added proper Json escaping to fix problems with non-ASCII characters
Quasar Engine: Engine refuses to enable V-mode output through LWRP
Quasar Engine: LWRP – incorrect DST indication behavior for PREV.EXIN
Quasar Engine: LW surround streams not working on fader inputs
Quasar Engine: Engine does not send all IGMP join reports on startup
Engine v1.2.0
This version includes updates ONLY for Quasar Engine.
Web UI rework
Setting for preview level in CR headphones (Requires update MON-MTS module software)
Meter flow no longer stops after a console connection timeout
Custom backfeed indications for AUX 5-8 now shown on the channel strip
Channel AUX SEND Meter now tracks AutoMixer activity when an AUX Send is set to post-fader
Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Auto CH" function
Web UI: Fixed issue where you could not change the source name for the VMIX MAIN output
VMIX fade In and Out times were swapped when apply was pressed on the Web interface
Fixed an issue where the fader channel status page might incorrectly show feed to source status as: "OK"
WEB UI: Fixed issue where SDP import might assign an invalid Packet Time value
Fixed issue where Custom Backfeed Selector behaved incorrectly when L and R selections are different
Added additional lock options for Capture, Rename, and Update (to existing Delete option) to the Show Profiles in the Web UI. These new locks prevent the user from performing the selected action from the Master Touch Screen (MTS) Module.

Added the ability to lock shows individually in the Show Profiles Web UI. Locking shows protects them from being renamed, updated, or deleted. Lock profiles in groups from the main Show Profile page or individually in each profile
Lock status is also reported on the MTS.
Added the ability to select Surface Layers independently from User Banks
Exposed the active layer to Livewire Control Protocol (LWCP) for remote control
Added Name and Date sorting to the Show Profiles section of the MTS module. This is shown as Sort Default, Sort Newest, and Sort Oldest from the Show Profiles page.
Improved Audio Node Control with Enable or Disable control of Mic Inputs, or Line Gain only. Added control status to the MTS.
Updated the on-screen keyboard to full QWERTY. Now it includes the most frequently used symbols.
Added support for CH MUTE key introduced in XR-4FAD modules with software v1.2.
reset List Update Notification: automatically update the list on the MTS.
Improved the Analog VU Meter performance by modeling a real mechanical needle.
Use configured target loudness instead of predefined -23 LUFS.
Fixed the horizontal meter bar scale.
Added yellow reference marks on the meter scales.
Removed unused meter options from flexible record mode
Fixed an issue where capturing a Show Profiles did not capture External Preview settings correctly.
Improved Record Mode switching performance
Support for XR Four Fader Calibration (see Updating XR Fader Modules below)
Complete implementation of Loudness Meter in simple UI mode (target loudness “Traffic Light”)

In the Source profile settings, Channel Pan is added to list of Quick Knob functions. This controls the function of the knob at the top of each fader when it is turned without first pressing to select a different function.
Improved Record Mode signaling with color differentiation
Flexible record mode displayed in Orange and says FLEX RECORD.
Standard record mode displayed in Red and says RECORD.
Updated label in the Show Profile edit UI to clarify options that are valid for Standard Record Mode
Removed 4th meter option from Show Profiles that does not apply to Quasar
Renamed some Gain controls to improve the clarity of the functions
Fixed a Record Mode activation issue while HTML5 remote was active
Console UI - Show Profiles now display the date and time of the last modification.
Console UI - Show Profiles page has a button to "Update Current". Clicking the Update Current button saves the current console state back to the currently loaded Profile.
Web UI Source Profiles - added “extra condition” field to the custom backfeed selectors. This allows custom options when assigned to any of Quasar's eight AUX Send busses.
The eight, tough-sensitive user buttons on the Master Touch Screen module now have four banks. To enable user button bank switching, set the Layer Buttons Function to "User Button Bank Switching". Find this setting under the UI Options heading of the Customize options.
Monitor section now fully supports LWCP (Livewire Control Protocol) EVENT and GET commands allowing third-party programs like Pathfinder Core PRO or IP-Tablet more control.
Show Profile list in Console UI is now automatically updated when edits are made from the Web UI
Source Tab has been added to the list of locked controls in show profile/channel control
Locks graphically rearranged in order to match the tabs order on the UI
Changed the outline color of the channel select buttons to reflect Ch ON state and Automix active state
Changed the color of Talk button indication to match other talk indications
Improved TouchScreen compatibility in the remote HTML5 GUI.
Show Profile Rename function fixed
Fixed Loading of Flexible Record mode setting from source profile if loaded as part of show
Noise gate parameters in Sources and Presets are now stored correctly
Fixed some minor HTML errors on WebUI
LWCP: fix Fader_Gain reading
LWCP: fix ON_State reporting
Avoid overlapping of user key labels and pop-up windows
Simple UI Mode added
Channel Menu Lock Option added
Fader Module Connection Control added
Channel UI Page Locks added
LWCP extensions added
Engine Discovery added
Top-Level System Test added
Fader Module Web UI: added “+/-4” fader index labels to layer configuration web page
Master AUX page: set gain to 0 on knob push
Fixed vertical alignment of some UI elements
WebUI: new graphical style for all delete buttons
Changed remaining occurrences of Preview to PFL labeling
MTS WebUI: improve profile saving with Enter key
MTS WebUI: Source Profile: improve custom backfeed configuration page
MTS WebUI: Improve Phone Configuration form, add Vx Phone discovery
Optimized module connection procedure
Optimized show profile loading, by reducing number of redundant indications
MTS WebUI: used standard JSON message format for HTML5 Remote GUI
Firmware: On Master Module improved touch sensor behavior of all knobs
Show Profile: fixed bug with default aux return Mono/Stereo mode
Fixed Studio Monitor Mute indication
Fixed GPIO signaling
Channel Input Page: fixed knob linking and focus box mismatch between Pan and Dim Gain
Fixed switch statistics page style
Removed Timer leftovers from Fusion