Removing extra log files from MPX Node


The 1.3.x release of MPX Node had a small bug where log files did not rotate. This caused storage space on the device to fill to 100% and could cause the web interface to crash, however MPX will still encode/decode. This has been fixed in v1.5 but the problem will reman if the log space wasn't cleared before the update. Most users never run into this issue as logs never grow large enough. In some cases, the unit may run into certain error conditions and the log size will grow quickly

Do not share this document with customers - this document is for support reference only

Steps to clear out log files

1) Start a remote session with the customer's PC that can access the MPX Nodes

2) Using PuTTY or other SSH client, connect to MPX node via SSH (root, "Omnia4.5" in v1.3.x or earlier) (root, "xeazv9gQjcfjHwZ54ffD" in v1.5 or later)

3) Run command df -h

Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                453.5M         0    453.5M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   497.8M         0    497.8M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                   497.8M     40.0K    497.7M   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   497.8M     32.0K    497.8M   0% /run
/dev/mmcblk2p1          118.2M     84.5M     27.6M  75% /bank0
/dev/mmcblk2p2          118.2M     84.5M     27.6M  75% /bank1
/dev/mmcblk2p3          938.7M     11.6M    879.5M   1% /config

Observe /config in the "Mounted on" column. If its space is completely used or its approaching 100% its clear that unit needs space reclaimed

4) Switch into the /config directory cd /config/MPXnode/uMPX/

5) The logs directory is hidden. Use ls -al to show hidden files

cd .MicroMPX_Decoder.log If this is a Decoder unit logs are here

cd .MicroMPX_Encoder.log If this is a Encoder unit logs are here

6) Once you are in the Encoder or Decoder log directory run rm *.log* to delete all log files

7) Re-run df -h command to confirm space has been reclaimed

**If the web server was already crashed when you logged into the unit, after freeing the space you will need to reboot the MPX node. **

If /config still reports 100% used space

If this did not work and the /config directly still shows 100% use, the file system is likely corrupted. Contact Ryan W. in engineering for help.

Below are the steps that would be advised by engineering to fix filesystem errors:

1) Remain logged into MPX node as root user

2) Enter this command into terminal,killall , press enter to execute

2) Copy and Paste the following into the terminal and press enter to execute

PROCS=$(lsof |grep /config | grep -v grep | awk ' { printf " "$1 } ')
echo "PROCS: $PROCS"
for PID in "$PROCS"
  kill -15 "$PID"

3)Copy and Paste the following into the terminal and press enter to execute

PROCS=$(ps auxw|grep mppd | grep -v grep | awk ' { printf " "$2 } ')
echo "PROCS: $PROCS"
for PID in "$PROCS"
  kill -15 "$PID"

4) Enter this command into terminal, umount /config and press enter to execute

5) STOP. If Step 4 did not report any errors only continue on to this step. If there were errors, stop here and contact engineering

Enter this command into terminal, fsck -y /config and press enter to execute

6) Enter this command into terminal, find /config/MPXnode -type f -size 0 -exec rm {} \; and press enter to execute. (finds any zero byte files and deletes)

7) If all above commands executed without errors reboot unit with reboot command and confirm free space is availabe again for /config mount