This document pertains to the 2001-00139-000 fanless Axia Studio Mix Engine:

Software Notice
The current and last software for this engine is v3.2.2.
This software, notes and instructions can be found below, however, if you're currently running a version below v3.0, you will have to first follow the directions below to update to v3.0.1i. From there you can update to v3.2.2.
Finding out how to Update to v3.0
The steps required to update to version 3.0 differ depending on the following:
hardware version
the original factory image version
the currently installed software version
Finding the hardware version
To learn the hardware version, go to the Engine “System” page and check the “Hardware and Firmware” section:

If “Hardware” indicates “Pentium 4”, your unit is too old for this update. If any other hardware type is indicated, proceed to the next steps.
Finding the original factory image version
To learn the original factory image version, go to the Engine “Diagnostics” and press the "View startup log" button and check the topmost record.
While the exact text may vary across different versions, the text marked with the red frame PCE vers=<version number> is always present and indicates the original version number that was installed at the factory:

If any version earlier than 2.4.10k1 is indicated, your software base may be too old for the conversion procedure described here.
If version 2.4.10k1 or later is indicated, proceed to the next steps.
Finding the current software version
To learn the currently installed software version, go to the Engine “System” and check the “Hardware and Firmware” section:

For this instruction, you need to distinguish two version ranges:
• v2.4.10, v2.5.1, v2.5.3
• any version in range from v2.5.4 to v3.0.1
Follow the next steps depending on the current software.
The Final Steps
If the current software is v2.5.4 or higher, skip Step One
Step One - Install Element Engine 2.5.4e
This step will prepare the unit to accept further updates of the ".tar" type.
1.1 To start installation, the Engine must be running in Bank 0.
2.2 Upload file to Bank 1: engineCore_2-5-4e_upgrade.tbz2 . Wait 1 minute while the screen indicates “System upload in progress”. After 1 minute press the Refresh button on the browser to get the confirmation “System upload finished successfully”. If confirmation is not displayed, wait a little more and repeat, until you get it. Finally, refresh again, and you will be returned to the System page.
2.3 Once 2.5.4e is uploaded to Bank 1, select Bank 1 and Apply. This will reboot the Engine into version 2.5.4e.
2.4 Once the system has booted to 2.5.4e, return to the system page and commit it to Bank 0 with the Commit button.
Step Two - Install Boot System Update
This step will prepare the unit for installation of the Element/Fusion combined software.
5.1 To start installation, Engine must be running in Bank 0.
5.2 Upload file to Bank 1:
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If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.