Entering Licenses
Infinity VIP allows licenses to be purchased as part of an initial install and as needs change down the line, such as when adding a new Link, VIP8, or VIP16 virtual panels to an existing system. Licenses are available from your Telos Alliance dealer.
Note - Registration is required for license activation. If you did not receive serial numbers at the time of purchase, please contact your Telos Alliance dealer.
Begin by following the step-by-step instructions below to create or update your Infinity Portal account and register your Product Serial Numbers.
Create an Infinity Portal account and supply your Quay.io username
If you already have an Infinity Portal account, log in, navigate to the "My Account" tab, and add your Quay.io username; click on the tooltip text next to the registration field for step-by-step instructions. Telos will be notified that a Quay.io username has been added and will grant access to the VIP container repository.
Log in to your Infinity Portal account at https://telosalliance.com/infinity-portal and click on the "Register Product" menu
For each Product Serial Number you received at the time of purchase:
Select the product from the dropdown menu
Enter the Product Serial Number
Enter the name of the dealer from whom you purchased the license
Tick the required checkboxes to read and accept the EULA
Tick the required checkboxes to read and accept the terms of the Telos Alliance Privacy Policy
Optionally tick the checkboxes for contact preferences
Click the "Register Product" button to submit
Note - Each Product Serial Number must be registered individually, registration is required for activation.
Figure 1 - Product Serial Number registration
To activate licenses after registering each Product Serial Number, follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Open a browser on a computer connected to the Infinity VIP network and type "https://localhost/license".
If you are working from outside the Infinity VIP network, type "https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/license where the x's represent the IP address of the Infinity Host.
The Licenses page will appear as shown below in Figure 2.
Click on "Get Request" to download a "Filename.WibuCmRaC" license request for each product you have purchased.
To activate your licenses, attach them to an e-mail and send to "activations@telosalliance.com" along with the Username or e-mail address associated with your Infinity Portal Account.
While our Activations Team should be able to activate licenses based on the Serial Numbers registered to your Infinity Portal account, a brief description in the e-mail is always helpful. If there are any questions, someone from our team will reach out to you.
The Licenses page contains the following information:
Product Name
Infinity Virtual Intercom Platform Server - handles sending and receiving invites to VIP panels.
Infinity Virtual Intercom Platform 4/8/16/36 Key Panel - Virtual intercom panels with varying key counts.
Infinity Virtual Intercom Platform Link 8/16 - Virtual Link panels
Product ID
Expiration - The date on which a product will cease to function; "0-0-0" indicates a permanent license that does not expire.
Available - The total number of concurrent device types that may be run simultaneously.
Used - The number of containers of a particular Product Name currently running; subsequent containers will fail to start once all available licenses have been consumed.
Feature Map - Not currently used.
Figure 2 - Licenses screen
For any questions about licensing, please contact Telos Alliance Customer Support.