Licensing and Hardware
The type of audio processing and the number of processors available is determined in part by which features have been licensed at the time of purchase. Additional processing solutions and features can always be activated by purchasing the respective license.
The available capacity of the SoM (System on Module) x86 processor installed in an AIXpressor is another determining factor. This limitation can be overcome by daisy-chaining an AIXpressor with a COTS (Commercial Off the Shelf) server equipped with a Jünger PCIe card that runs flexAI and connecting it with the proprietary Jünger tieLight low-latency fiber interface.

Figure 1 -Main audio processing page
Processing Structure
Audio processing is based on the Jünger flexAI engine (flexible audio infrastructure) which renders the audio processors and conects to the various audio I/Os and the system OS settings.
The processing itself is "program-oriented" in that the number of audio channels determines what types of processing blocks are involved (Mono, Stereo, 5.1 etc.). Each block appears in the Routing matix by its name where "x" represents the progarm number. For example, a stereo processor will appear as Program x: L and Program x: R while a multi-channel surround processor will appear as Program x: L ... Program x: Rs. A surround processor with voice-over channels would add two more inputs labeled Voice A and Voice B.
Adding a Processor
Select Audio Processing in the Main menu (A), then click the +ADD button (B) to open the "Add new Program" window. Use the Program Type dropdown menu (C) to open the list of available processing options, enter a "friendly" name into the Program name field (D) if desired, then click the OK button (E) to save.
Note - If you choose not to enter a custom name in the Program name field, the program type will be used as the name.

Figure 2 - Adding a processor
The GUI for the selected processor will be displayed:

Figure 3 - Selected processor GUI
Editing a Processor Name
To change the name of a processor once it has been added, click the EDIT NAME button (B), type the new name in the Name field (C), tick the check box, then click the Close button (A) to save and exit.
Important! As noted in red on the GUI, remember that changing the processor name here also affects the Ember+ processing name and any remote control connections. As well as the appearience in the Routing matrix.

Figure 4- Editing a processor name
Deleting a Processor
To delete a processor, click the DELETE button (B), click the checkbox of the processor(s) you wish to delete (E), then click the Delete Selected button (D). Clicking the checkbox a second time de-selects the processor. Clicking the Clear Selection button (C) de-selects all processors. Click the Close button (A) to save and exit.

Figure 5 - Deleting a processor
Processing Parameters
Clicking on the name of an audio processor from the Main menu will open a window to reveal its individual processing stages and parameters.
Clicking on any of the processing stage buttons (A) will cause the window to scroll to the relevant displays and controls section (C) which, like the selected button, will be highlighted in blue. By default, all of the sections are visible but can be individually collapsed by clicking the collapse/expand arrow (B). Depending upon the size of your browser window, it may be necessary to use the scroll bar (E) to view the entire section. Clicking on the Collapse button (D) collapses all sections and changes the button name to Expand.
Figure 6 - Processing parameters and preset save
Parameters and Controls
For detailed descriptions of Jünger audio processing parameters, please visit
For a list of recommended settings forthe Level Magic processor, please visit
Presets for Individual Processing Section
Changes made to each processing section can be saved as user presets.
Click on the Save Preset icon (F) to open the Save Preset window. Use the Save Preset As dropdown (A) to choose whether the changes will be saved as a new preset or will overwrite an existing preset. Type a name into the Preset Name field (B) and a description, if desired, in the Preset Description field (C). Click the OK button (D) to save your changes and exit, or the Cancel button (E) to exit without saving.

Figure 7 - Saving presets for an individual processing section
Once presets have been saved, they can be recalled by clicking on the Open button (A). Clicking on the Preset Operation button (B) provides a convenient means to open, save, and delete presets.

Figure 8 - Recalling presets
Global Processing Presets
Presets can also be used for entire processing strips. The Open (A), Save (B), and Preset Operation (C) buttons work here exactly as they do for individual processing sections.

Figure 9 - Using presets for entire processing strips